Steps to install RSB using jar files: ------------------------------------- install maven set up project add rsb code download jar give path for jars mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=rsb -DartifactId=rsb -Dversion=0.11.0 -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=/usr/share/java/rsb-0.11.0.jar mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=rsb -DartifactId=protobuf -Dversion=2.4.1 -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=/usr/share/java/protobuf-java-2.4.1.jar add dependency in pom file : rsb rsb 0.11.0 compile rsb protobuf 2.4.1 compile should compile with this , but if want executable jar to have dependency then add below lines to pom file: org.apache.maven.plugins maven-jar-plugin 2.2 org.apache.maven.plugins maven-assembly-plugin 2.2-beta-4 jar-with-dependencies org.sample.App package single run command: mvn package to compile with dependency : mvn clean dependency:copy-dependencies package to run jar: java -cp target/my-app-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar useful links: output: dragon@dragon:~/rsb/my-app$ java -cp target/my-app-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar 19 Jan, 2014 8:09:17 PM rsb.transport.socket.BusServer$AcceptorThread run INFO: Waiting for new client connection 19 Jan, 2014 8:09:18 PM rsb.transport.socket.BusServer deactivate INFO: Trying to deactivate BusServer. 19 Jan, 2014 8:09:18 PM rsb.transport.socket.BusServer$AcceptorThread run INFO: Shutting down due to request and closed socket. Steps to install RSB from the source : ------------------------------------- install maven set up project Installation of RSC and RSBProtocol: Steps same as the steps for ant on CORLAB site Build and install RSC Library: Steps same as the steps for ant on CORLAB site Need to edit this : Step 2 and 3 on corlab site Build and install RSC Library mkdir -p build && cd build no need of cd build as there are no cmake file in build folder and this gives error need to specify what in "prefix" install dir is build dir or new dir download rsb code for corlab site run changes in pom.xml UTF-8 /homes/ssharma/rsb/proj/share/rsbprotocol0.11 /usr/bin/protoc 2.4.1 target/generated-protocol /homes/ssharma/rsb/proj/sbin/spread 1.6 mvn install mvn test