
The information on this page has been superseded by the RSBag Manual.



See bag-record for recording and bag-play for replaying events from log files.

Obtaining bag-merge

Binaries of the bag-merge program can be downloaded from the continuous integration server for versions 0.4 and 0.5 of the Robotics Service Bus:

  • bag-merge is not available for the 0.4 version

After the download, the bag-merge file has to be made executable in most cases. This can be done for example by executing

chmod +x bag-merge

in the download directory.

Checking Versions and Displaying Help

Version and help information is displayed when the --version and --help[-for all] commandline options are specified:

./bag-merge --version
./bag-merge --help
./bag-merge --help-for all

The output of --help[-for all] includes a list of supported file formats.