Enhancement #779

Updated by J. Moringen over 12 years ago

Should a "Sphinx":http://sphinx.pocoo.org/ -based manual be added to RSB?

* The manual shall not replace the reference documentation (API docs)
** The manual should be cross-referenced with API docs where appropriate
* The manual should provide versioned documentation of
** high-level concepts
** installation aspects
** tool usage
* The manual should contain tutorials?

Current State:
* There is an experimental manual folder (source:trunk/manual) in the top-level of the source tree. Contents:
** Partial introduction to concepts
** Tutorial skeleton
** man-page-like documentation of tools
* Possible outputs
** HTML manual
** PDF manual
** man-pages for tools

We (Jan+Seb) are quite confident that such a manual is useful.

See "issue 344 in support.cor-lab.org":https://support.cor-lab.de/issues/344
useful, but further evaluation is required.
