Tasks #900

Updated by J. Moringen almost 12 years ago

We have discussed the following changes regarding the structure:
* Finer grained table of contents ✓
** Depth should be two levels ✓
** Glossary should be included ✓
* More compact examples in man-page-like documentation ✓
* Use-cases instead of tutorial ✓
** Longer examples from man-pages should be moved to this section ✓
** Examples should be easily reproducible and not require complicated setups (e.g. a Nao robot) whenever possible
* Project [Project version should be part of deployment URL ✓]
* Delete wiki pages which duplicate information included in the manual

The manual still needs testing.
*Thus, creterion for closing this issue:*
* The C++ parts of manual have to be tested (e.g. installation from scratch)
* The Python parts of manual have to be tested (e.g. installation from scratch) ✓
* By a naive user (Simon Drexel) ✓
