Wiki » History » Version 9

Version 8 (M. Rolf, 02/01/2012 12:36 PM) → Version 9/16 (M. Rolf, 02/01/2012 12:37 PM)

h1. Using the example binaries

h3. Example 1: The ContinuumSegmentDemo (3D visualization)


This didactic example shows the geometric model underlying the simulated continuum kinematics, i.e. that each segment of a continuum robot behaves
like a torus segment. The example shows an animated movement of such a segment. Press @Alt-T@(orus), @Alt-G@(eometry) to toggle various visualization modes.
The code shows how to use the basic class @ContinuumSegmentDrawable@, which takes take of the 3D rendering.

h3. Example 2: The ContinuumRobotDemo (3D visualization)


h2. Windows binaries

In order to execute the examples, you need some "Microsoft Visual C++" libaries:
* The easiest way to get them is installing the "Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package" from
* Having the "Microsoft Visual C++ 2010" development environment installed does the same job, of course.

h2. Linux Debian packages

h2. Troubleshooting

h1. Install and use from source

h2. Dependencies

* Required: "NemoMath":
** Which requires: "Eigen 2":
** Which requires: "Boost": (header-only parts)
* Required: "CMake":
* Optional: "libqglviewer-qt4-dev":, in case you want to use the visualization. The pure kinematics part can be built and deployed without this dependency.
** Which requires: "Qt 4":

h2. Building from source

* Get the source from, e.g.
svn co</pre>
* Build it under *Linux* (or MacOS???)
cd continuumkinematics/build
make install</pre>
* Build it under *Windows/MSVC*
cd continuumkinematics
call project\build_vs.bat</pre>

h2. Troubleshooting

* During configuration, cmake says *@Qt qmake not found!@*. Simply check out where the qmake binary is located in your filesystem and put this in your cmake call:
* If you get linking errors like *@undefined reference to `QGLViewer::***'@*, you are probably linking against @libqglviewer-qt3@ instead of @qt4@
** If you don't have the right version of @qglviewer@ around, install it.
** If cmake still does not configure the correct library, you can manually chose the correct path by setting the variables "@QGLVIEWER_*@":
make install</pre>

* When running the example binaries, you get the error message *@QWidget: Must construct a QApplication before a QPaintDevice@*
** An annoying problem that is currently only observed under Windows/MSVC: It seems to happen when QGLViewer is built in *@release@* mode, but you build the @continuumkinematics@ code in *@debug@* mode, or vice versa.
** Solution: find out how QGLViewer was built (most likely as @release@) and set the build-configuration accordingly in the cmake call:

h2. Platform/Compiler support

Currently, the following combinations are explicitly supported and known to work:
* *Ubuntu Linux/GCC* with Ubuntu version from @10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx)@ and newer, and @GCC>=4.3@, 32bit as well as 64bit
* *MacOS/CLang3.0*
* *Windows 7/MSVC2010*, 32bit

The following platforms are known _not_ to work:
* GCC 4.2 or older
* MSVC 2008 or older