
From 06/23/2015 to 07/22/2015


05:37 PM Tasks #2337: Create parser for RST types
Wie ist das denn bisher geloest? Fuer Listener gibt es ja auch schon irgendeine Logik, dass die von Anfang an da sind... J. Wienke
04:11 PM Tasks #2337: Create parser for RST types
{{thumbnail(engineInformer.jpg, size=550)}} D. Wigand
03:33 PM Tasks #2337: Create parser for RST types
Converter werden jetzt richtig geladen. Trotzdem sehe ich einen Punkt der hier und da zu einem Problem werden koennte... D. Wigand
01:19 PM Tasks #2337: Create parser for RST types
You need to register the ProtocolBufferConverter for each type that you want to use. That's missing and what the exce... J. Wienke
11:55 AM Tasks #2337 (Feedback): Create parser for RST types
The parser itself should work now, but it gives me error messages like the following for every RST-type:
*Caused by:...
D. Wigand
03:29 PM Revision 393c3e2d: added converter loading. refs #2337
D. Wigand
11:51 AM Revision 1e31e7e4: fixed enum probing. refs #2337
D. Wigand
11:45 AM Revision 46c90b75: Merge branch 'experimental-rst-parser' of
D. Wigand
11:44 AM Revision e7ebc809: added support for enums. needs to be tested properly now. refs#2337
D. Wigand
11:42 AM Revision ae0adbba: added support for enums. needs to be tested properly now
D. Wigand


04:43 PM Revision 67babaff: Fixed reflection package path. refs #2348
D. Wigand
04:42 PM Tasks #2348 (Feedback): Use reflections for nested RST types
Seems to be working D. Wigand
04:41 PM Tasks #2348 (Feedback): Use reflections for nested RST types
In order to use reflections for instantiating RST in java, the full package path is required.
For example to instant...
D. Wigand
04:07 PM Revision 0f9ef4d8: fixed RST stuff in pom.xml and more importantly I started to add a generic parser
D. Wigand


02:27 PM Tasks #2337: Create parser for RST types
I would approach this using the reflection API of protobuf. So far, the idea was that the engine itself should not be... J. Wienke
01:54 PM Tasks #2337: Create parser for RST types
If taking second approach, one could think about generating the specific type parsers from the RST dsl. Probably too ... Anonymous


02:31 PM Revision 8f5dc3c9: started with some parsing stuff
D. Wigand


05:00 PM Tasks #2337: Create parser for RST types
Well, as father of this engine, can you at least share your opinion on this? ;) Anonymous
04:59 PM Tasks #2337: Create parser for RST types
Someone can do this. But since I am not even using the engine, I won't ;) J. Wienke
04:40 PM Tasks #2337 (Feedback): Create parser for RST types
The @RSBDataParser@ currenly only knows how to work with some primitive types, but since the rsb-ccordination DSL now... Anonymous


02:39 PM Revision 3191b8b9: Make this a real 0.12 version in pom.xml
J. Wienke

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