10 » History » Version 3

Version 2 (J. Wienke, 10/01/2018 11:41 AM) → Version 3/9 (J. Wienke, 10/01/2018 11:43 AM)

h1. Release 1.0 Strategy


h2. First step: release 0.18

* Spread CL
* CMake-Ă„nderungen?

h2. 1.0 Tasks / Issues

h3. Github Migration

* Own organization for rsb
* One project per language binding
* Things to migrate
** language bindings: C++, Java, Python, CL
** Protocol (description)
** Documentation / Manual
** C++ / CL tools
** RSBag
* Own organization for RST
** One project with definitions
** One project per language binding
* RSC in RSB organization
* Selectively migrate issues relevant for 1.0
* Select a CI service
** Should support triggering downstream projects, if possible projects