Glossary » History » Version 13

Version 12 (S. Wrede, 11/24/2011 05:13 PM) → Version 13/15 (S. Wrede, 11/24/2011 05:14 PM)

h1. Glossary


h3. event payload

domain object (programming language dependent) that is associated with an event.

_Example(C++,protocol buffers,spread): an object of type IplImage*_

h3. data type

the type (programming language dependent) of event payload.

_Example(C++,protocol buffers,spread): IplImage* for the example above_

h3. wire type

Container Data type (programming language dependent?) of serialized representation of event payload (specific for a port type)


* C++,protocol buffers,spread: unsigned char*
* Java,xmpp: XMPP message

h3. wire schema

Layout/structure of serialized representation of event payload

_Example(C++,protocol buffers,spread): specified by ImageMessage protocol buffer descriptor_

h3. domain->wire converter

Mechanism that transforms event payloads into data of the wire type that has an interpretation w.r.t. the wire schema. Uniquely identified by the triple
## domain type
## wire type
## wire schema

_Example(C++,protocol buffers,spread): AbstractConverter<std::string>?_

_See [[Types]] for a list of well-known wire schema <-> data type mappings_

h3. wire->domain converter


h3. notification

Transport-specific message that contains
* event meta-data
* wire schema
* (wire type, wire schema) representation of payload
Note: does *not* contain domain type of event payload

h3. scope

descriptor for a channel of the unified bus. The channel is itself hierarchical, hence the scope also reflects this structure. There is a string-based notation for scopes: @/parent/sub/subsubscope/@. A scope is valid if it matches the given regular expression: @/([a-zA-Z0-9]+/)*@