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J. Wienke, 04/09/2011 10:32 PM


  • event payload: domain object (programming language dependent) that is associated with an event.

    Example(C++,pb,spread): an object ob type IplImage*

  • data type: the type (programming language dependent) of event payload.

    Example: IplImage* for the example above

  • wire type: Data type (programming language dependent?) of serialized representation of event payload (specific for a port type)

    Example(C++,pb,spread): unsigned char*

  • wire schema: Layout/structure of serialized representation of event payload

    Example(C++,pb,spread): specified by ImageMessage protocol buffer descriptor

  • domain->wire converter: Mechanism that transforms event payloads into data of the wire type that has an interpretation w.r.t. the wire schema. Uniquely identified by the triple
    1. domain type
    2. wire type
    3. wire schema

      Example(C++,pb,spread): AbstractConverter<std::string>?

  • wire->domain converter: Similar
  • notification: Transport-specific message that contains
    • event meta-data
    • wire schema
    • (wire type, wire schema) representation of payload
      Note: does not contain domain type of event payload