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J. Moringen, 05/27/2011 06:26 PM
initial description of Common Lisp installation: dependencies



External Dependencies

  • Boost (mostly dependencies of RSC library), in particular
    • boost::uuid (can be installed from GAR installer via contrib/boost.uuid, maverick: libboost1.42-dev)
    • libboost-thread-dev
    • libboost-filesystem-dev
    • libboost-signals-dev
  • Google Protocol Buffers (ubuntu lucid package is ok, can also be installed from GAR installer via contrib/protobuf), in particular
    • libprotobuf-dev
    • protobuf-compiler
  • Optional:
    • Doxygen for documentation generation (ubuntu package)
    • lcov for coverage report (ubuntu package)

Up to this step, in Maverick installing the dependencies should be as simple as:

sudo apt-get install libprotobuf-java libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler libboost-thread-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-signals-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-regex-dev libboost1.42-dev

  • Spread Toolkit for Spread multicast transport extension (lucid ubuntu package does not work, due to outdated version 3)
    • Can be installed through GAR installer via contrib/spread or from source

Installation of RSBProtocol, RSC, RSB

  • Check out sources from SVN, see landing page of this and the RSC project
  • CMake is required to configure the projects, however then it should be as simple as:
cd RS{BProtocol,C,B}/build && cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$prefix && make && make install


External Dependencies

  • install python setuptools and python-dev
  • spread-python (e.g. via GAR installer, sources can be downloaded here:, the version automatically installed by setuptools is NOT working!)
  • python-protobuf (via ubuntu package python-protobuf or protobuf sources)


  • get sources
  • edit setup.cfg and replace protocolroot with the path to the RSBPRobotocol files (e.g. protocolroot=${prefix}/share/rsbprotocol)
export PYTHONPATH=$prefix/lib/python2.6/site-packages
python build
python install --prefix=$prefix

Afterwards, import rsb should be possible in a python shell.


External Dependencies

  • libprotobuf-java
  • ant
  • Optional:
    • javadoc


  • Download src from SVN (see front page)
  • cd src and edit according to your installation
  • ant install installs jars to prefix of your choice, e.g., ${prefix}/share/java (defined via property)
  • for rsb-xml you also need to install XOM (included in RSBJava src or via ubuntu)

External Dependencies

System Required Obtainable From
alexandria yes Quicklisp
split-sequence yes Quicklisp
iterate yes Quicklisp
metabang-bind yes Quicklisp
bordeaux-threads yes Quicklisp
closer-mop yes Quicklisp
log5 yes Quicklisp
puri yes Quicklisp
uuid yes Quicklisp
cl-hooks yes
cl-dynamic-classes yes RSB Repository
cxml-stp for XML event data Quicklisp
xpath for XPath event filtering Quicklisp
cl-protobuf for Spread transport RSB Repository
cl-spread for Spread transport RSB Repository