Installation » History » Version 4

S. Wrede, 02/23/2011 11:18 AM

1 1 S. Wrede
h1. Installation
2 1 S. Wrede
3 1 S. Wrede
h2. Required
4 1 S. Wrede
5 3 S. Wrede
* boost::uuid (can be installed from GAR installer, contrib/boost.uuid or is contained in newer boost versions >1.42: maverick: libboost1.42-dev)
6 4 S. Wrede
* Google Protocol Buffers (lucid ubuntu package works, can also be installed from GAR installer, contrib/protobuf: maverick: libprotobuf-java, libprotobuf-dev, protobuf-compiler)
7 1 S. Wrede
* spread for spread port (lucid ubuntu package does not work as it is still an old version, can be installed through GAR installer, contrib/spread)
8 1 S. Wrede
* RSC (see RSC Project at Code.CoR-Lab)
9 1 S. Wrede
* RSBProtocol
10 1 S. Wrede
11 1 S. Wrede
h3. RSB (C++)
12 1 S. Wrede
13 1 S. Wrede
14 1 S. Wrede
h3. RSBPython
15 2 J. Wienke
16 1 S. Wrede
* spread-python
17 1 S. Wrede
* spread-protobuf
18 1 S. Wrede
19 1 S. Wrede
h3. RSBJava
20 2 J. Wienke
21 1 S. Wrede
* ProtoBuf.jar
22 1 S. Wrede
23 1 S. Wrede
h2. Optional
24 1 S. Wrede
25 1 S. Wrede
* Doxygen for documentation generation (ubuntu package)
26 1 S. Wrede
* lcov for coverage report (ubuntu package)