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J. Moringen, 03/12/2012 01:00 PM
updated manual link

Installation of Common Lisp Implementation

The information on this page has been superseded by the RSB Manual.


Supported Lisp Implementations

Currently, only recent versions (e.g. 1.0.52 or newer) of Steel Bank Common Lisp are fully supported.

Required Infrastructure

  • ASDF is used for compilation, loading and dependency management
  • Quicklisp is used for installation of dependencies

External Dependencies

System Required Obtainable From
alexandria yes Quicklisp
split-sequence yes Quicklisp
iterate yes Quicklisp
metabang-bind yes Quicklisp
bordeaux-threads yes Quicklisp
closer-mop yes Quicklisp
log5 yes Quicklisp
puri yes Quicklisp
uuid yes Quicklisp
local-time yes Quicklisp
cl-hooks yes
cl-dynamic-classes yes RSB Repository
cl-ppcre for Regexp filtering Quicklisp
cxml-stp for XML event data Quicklisp
xpath for XPath event filtering Quicklisp
cl-protobuf for Spread transport RSB Repository
cl-spread for Spread transport RSB Repository
-- libspread for Spread transport See C++ installation instructions


The patches attached to this page may have to be applied depending on whether they have already been integrated into upstream projects when the installation is performed.


  1. Download systems from Subversion repository:
  2. Download other required systems:
    • cl-hooks: bzr branch lp:cl-hooks
  3. Load cl-rsb with Quicklisp to pull in remaining dependencies:
    (ql:quickload :cl-rsb)