InstallationJava » History » Version 4

Version 3 (S. Wrede, 06/28/2011 09:28 PM) → Version 4/14 (S. Wrede, 06/28/2011 09:38 PM)

h1. Installation of Java Implementation

For compilation and installation of the Java bindings, we use the "Ant": build tool.

h2. External Dependencies

* libprotobuf-java
* ant
* Optional:
** javadoc

h2. Installation of RSB Core

* Download src from SVN (see front page)
* Invoke ant with cd src and edit according to your installation or
* set
a number of ant properties for the build configuration: configuration.

| Ant Property | Meaning | Example |
| pbuf.protoc | Location of Protobuf Compiler | /usr/bin/protoc |
| pbuf.protopath | Location of RSB Protocol IDL Files | /vol/cit/share/RSBProtocol |
| pbuf.lib | Location of Protobuf Library | /usr/share/java/protobuf.jar |
| spread.daemon | Location of Spread Daemon Executable | /vol/cit/sbin/spread |

An exemplary ant dist command to build the resulting jar library may look as follows:

ant -Dpbuf.protoc=/usr/bin/protoc -Dpbuf.protopath=/vol/cit/share/RSBProtocol -Dpbuf.lib=/usr/share/java/protobuf.jar -Dspread.daemon=/vol/cit/sbin/spread dist

* @ant install@ installs jars to prefix of your choice, e.g., ${prefix}/share/java (defined via property)

h2. Installation of RSB-XML

* for rsb-xml, rsb-xml you also need to additionally install XOM (available (included in RSBJava src or via ubuntu)
* and pass the following parameters to the ant build script

| Ant Property | Meaning | Example |
| pbuf.lib | Location of Protobuf Library | /usr/share/java/protobuf.jar |
| spread.daemon | Location of Spread Daemon Executable | /vol/cit/sbin/spread |
| xom.lib | Location of XOM XML Library | /usr/share/java/xom-1.2.1.jar |
| rsb.lib | Location of RSB Core Library | /vol/cit/lib/java/RSBJava.jar |