InstallationPython » History » Version 1

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S. Wrede, 06/28/2011 09:22 PM

Installation of Python Implementation

External Dependencies

  • install python setuptools and python-dev
  • spread-python (e.g. via GAR installer, sources can be downloaded here:, the version automatically installed by setuptools is NOT working!)
  • python-protobuf (via ubuntu package python-protobuf or protobuf sources)


  • get sources
  • edit setup.cfg and replace protocolroot with the path to the RSBPRobotocol files (e.g. protocolroot=${prefix}/share/rsbprotocol)
export PYTHONPATH=$prefix/lib/python2.6/site-packages
python build
python install --prefix=$prefix

Afterwards, import rsb should be possible in a python shell.