InstallationPython » History » Version 3

Version 2 (J. Wienke, 07/29/2011 09:45 AM) → Version 3/16 (J. Wienke, 07/29/2011 09:47 AM)

h1. Installation of Python Implementation

h2. External Dependencies

* install python setuptools and python-dev
* spread-python (e.g. via GAR installer, sources can be downloaded here:, *the the version automatically installed by setuptools is NOT working!*) working!)
* python-protobuf (via ubuntu package python-protobuf or protobuf sources)

h2. Installation

# get sources
# create and edit @setup.cfg@
#* in contrast to cmake or partially ant, setuptools does not use command line arguments to configure projects. Instead a file called @setup.cfg@ in the project root is used:
#* especially, replace @protocolroot@ in section @[proto]@ with the path to the RSBPRobotocol files (e.g. protocolroot=${prefix}/share/RSBProtocol)
#* other available options (besides standard ones from python):
#** @protoc@ in section @[proto]@: The protoc compiler used to generate the protocol. If not specified @PATH@ is used.
#** @format@ in section @[doc]@: either "html" or "pdf" for the API documentation generation
#** @verbose@ in section @[doc]@: bool flag to control verbose output of the generation tool epydoc
#** @spread@ in sections @[coverage]@ and @[test]@: path to the spread executable used for coverage generation and unit testing. @PATH@ is used if not specified
#* An exemplary @setup.cfg@ file could look like this:
# start building and installation
export PYTHONPATH=$prefix/lib/python2.X/site-packages
python build
python install --prefix=$prefix

Afterwards, @import rsb@ should be possible in a python shell.