Meetings2011-03-17 » History » Version 3

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J. Wienke, 03/17/2011 02:20 PM


  • Michael ;)
  • Jan ;)
  • URIs...

Message Fragmentation

  • Only c++ right now
    • missing:
      • python
      • java
      • Common LISP
  • blocks of size 100k
  • recombination missing
  • Notification contains total number of blocks and number of current block
  • spread UNSAFE_MESS does not guarantee sequencing of messages -> recombination with ordering and waiting required in input port
  • What to do with missing messages (e.g. directly when starting a subscription there could be only the last half of a message received)
    • simple strategy: Timeout for finalization of a message to dispatch
  • Configuration of block size as a simple hack in current class...