Meetings2011-05-19 » History » Version 3

Version 2 (S. Wrede, 05/19/2011 02:17 PM) → Version 3/6 (S. Wrede, 05/19/2011 02:41 PM)

h1. Meeting 19.05.2011

h2. Topics

* [[CodingGuidelines]] - Do we need error handlers or always use the event for signalling in the same stream?
** We consider events that can not be deserialized as errors if they show up in the converters.
** To prevent that on generic message channels, respective type filters need to be instantiated in participants filter lists.
** Clients are informed about errors through a simple callback / error handler.
** Distinguish between Converter Failed and Converter Missing
** Add Null-Converter to deserialize nothing, e.g., for logging and replay
* Readers and multiple connectors: we need some threading of there is more than one InConnector
* [[PluginConcept]]
* Data types:
** Composites? (dbus)
** Converter mechanism
* CommonLisp Bindings / Implementation
* Introspection Mock-Up
* Logging / Replay Activities