Meetings2012-01-18 » History » Version 2

Version 1 (S. Wrede, 01/18/2012 11:54 AM) → Version 2/7 (S. Wrede, 01/18/2012 12:03 PM)

h1. Meetings 2012-01-18

Single topic: Documentation

h2. Goals

* Generate different views for different stakeholders

h2. Insights from short literature survey:

* Documentation artefacts which are close to source code (commits, tests, comments, API docs, ...) are easier kept up-to-date and thus well maintained
* Big-picture / architecture information is important even if outdated
* Consider your readers! What are those? Devs, Users, Architects?

h2. Results

* Use CIT catalogue as module guide (cf. Parnas)
* Add new content type @tutorial@ for overarching documentation modules
** this will allow us to model dependencies to software etc. directly using the mechanisms of the CIT catalogue
** tutorials will refer to our sphinx generated documentation
* Views are important
** required for catalogue *and* our generated documentation