Meetings2012-01-18 » History » Version 6

S. Wrede, 01/18/2012 01:11 PM

1 1 S. Wrede
h1. Meetings 2012-01-18
2 1 S. Wrede
3 1 S. Wrede
Single topic: Documentation
4 1 S. Wrede
5 1 S. Wrede
h2. Goals
6 1 S. Wrede
7 1 S. Wrede
* Generate different views for different stakeholders
8 1 S. Wrede
9 1 S. Wrede
h2. Insights from short literature survey:
10 1 S. Wrede
11 1 S. Wrede
* Documentation artefacts which are close to source code (commits, tests, comments, API docs, ...) are easier kept up-to-date and thus well maintained
12 1 S. Wrede
* Big-picture / architecture information is important even if outdated
13 1 S. Wrede
* Consider your readers! What are those? Devs, Users, Architects?
14 2 S. Wrede
15 2 S. Wrede
h2. Results
16 2 S. Wrede
17 2 S. Wrede
* Use CIT catalogue as module guide (cf. Parnas)
18 2 S. Wrede
* Add new content type @tutorial@ for overarching documentation modules
19 2 S. Wrede
** this will allow us to model dependencies to software etc. directly using the mechanisms of the CIT catalogue
20 2 S. Wrede
** tutorials will refer to our sphinx generated documentation
21 2 S. Wrede
* Views are important
22 2 S. Wrede
** required for catalogue *and* our generated documentation
23 3 S. Wrede
* Sphinx documentation guidelines
24 3 S. Wrede
** Examples should be largely self-explanatory as they will be included directly in the documentation
25 3 S. Wrede
** Concept explanation will be short in favor of more elaboration in the language specific examples
26 3 S. Wrede
** Important differences shall however be marked in the sphinx docs
27 3 S. Wrede
** Component descriptions shall be language independent (at least for RSB)
28 3 S. Wrede
** Man-page generation is an open issue
29 4 S. Wrede
** Glossar seems very useful but should be available from a centralized documentation
30 5 S. Wrede
** CI server needs to automatically build (and deploy) the generated documentation (otherwise each dev would need to build the whole library stack to build documentation)
31 6 S. Wrede
* Tutorial ideas
32 6 S. Wrede
** We will add a new central redmine project for CoR-Lab tutorials with a single SVN
33 6 S. Wrede
*** contains Sphinx source code for tutorial
34 6 S. Wrede
*** but also contains tutorial source code (ideally coded against the stable version of available libs)
35 6 S. Wrede
** Single CI Job for the generation of all tutorials (only the documentation, responsibility of us)
36 6 S. Wrede
** Multiple CI Jobs for testing the tutorial source codes (responsibility of the developers)