Meetings2012-03-01 » History » Version 5

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J. Moringen, 03/01/2012 04:39 PM

Meetings 2012-03-01

Scope of the Configuration Service

  • Supply parameter values for components running in a system
  • Components expose parameters
    • Parameters consist of
      • Name
      • Type
        • Complex values have to be possible: e.g. arbitratry Protocol buffer types, array of joint velocities)
      • Current value
      • Default value (supplied by component?)
    • Provided functionality
      • Parameter values and default values can be queried
      • Parameter values can be reset to default values
      • Parameters can be updated from outside


  • Has to be suitable for component layer (e.g. CCA)
  • Component developers should not have to handle parameter updates explicitly
    • However, parameter updates should be interceptable via callbacks
  • Distributed implementation
    • No central "Parameter Server"
    • Tools monitor, update parameters
      • Tool may need internal model/cache of the whole configuration system
  • Hierarchical organization of parameters
    • Groups? Trees?
    • Integrated with naming service?
    • Structured values should support partial and full updates/notifications
      (e.g. only transfer, notify sub-elements of composite values in case of partial change)
  • Complexity of asynchronous updates should be hidden from component developer, if possible
    • Components need local copies of parameter values despite async parameter updates
    • How does ROS solve this?