Meetings2014-09-09 » History » Version 1

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S. Wrede, 09/09/2014 01:13 PM


Web-based Introspection Client

Use cases

  • Overview of structure using a combined "tree-table" view
    • Sort according to column headings like last updated
  • Filter the set of displayed participants or nodes or just substrings
  • Detail information about
    • Host
    • Process
    • Participant
  • Monitor system for changes
  • TBC


  • Select a web toolkit for implementing the service
    • Check websites
      • GWT
      • Dojo
    • Requirements
      • Tables + Trees
      • Filtering the model
      • Integrability (JSONStore)
      • Open Source / Redistribution license
      • Some performance level in updating the views
    • Define architecture
      • JSONStore configured to connect to the REST endpoint
        • probably support paging, incremental updates, etc.