Meetings2016-04-14 » History » Version 10

Version 9 (S. Wrede, 04/14/2016 04:16 PM) → Version 10/11 (S. Wrede, 04/14/2016 04:29 PM)

h1. Meetings 2016-04-14

h2. RSB 0.14 Roadmap

* *Spread connection pooling* (Informer-side is implemented, Client-side only in Java, CL both not yet)
* Error callback subsystem (minimal implementation would be very useful, but needs more discussion)
* RSB Extended RPC (exploration done, needs implementation)
* *Web-based Introspection Tools* (should be part of release, feature set to be defined)
* Cause Filter (TODO ask Timo again about use cases)
* *Lazy / On-Demand IDL Loading* (e.g. in the logging tools, prototypically implemented)

h2. Open Issues

* GitHub
* Web-friendly binding
* ZeroMQ