Methods » History » Version 2

Version 1 (J. Moringen, 06/20/2011 07:24 PM) → Version 2/3 (J. Moringen, 06/20/2011 07:46 PM)

h1. Methods

h2. Introduction

RSB [[Events]] include an optional "method" field which is loosely based on "HTTP Methods": As in HTTP, the method field describes the desired handling of the data carried by an event.

h2. Well-known Methods and their Semantics


h2. Implementation Aspects

Methods can probably be used very well to discriminate interesting vs. uninteresting events from a particular participant's point of view. To take advantage of this discriminative property, event filtering based on methods should be done as early in the [[EventProcessing|event processing pipeline]] as possible. Eventually, the filtering should be performed at the transport level using the mechanism described [[Transport-level_Filtering|here]].