RSBm » History » Version 2

Version 1 (S. Wrede, 07/18/2011 06:27 PM) → Version 2/29 (S. Wrede, 07/18/2011 06:29 PM)

h1. RSB.m

Just some initial exploration on how to use RSB from and within Matlab...

h2. Notes

First successful test of sending data from Matlab to RSB:

>> javaaddpath /vol/cit/share/java/RSBJava-0.4.0.jar
>> javaaddpath /opt/local/share/java/protobuf.jar
>> f = rsb.Factory.getInstance()

f =


>> s = Scope('/example/informer')

s =


>> i = f.createInformer(s)
No rsb.conf found in configuration directory '/Users/swrede/.config'
No rsb.conf found in working directory '/Users/swrede/Documents/MATLAB'

i =


>> i.activate
18.07.2011 18:21:22 rsb.Informer$InformerStateInactive activate
INFO: Informer activated: [Scope:/example/informer/,Type:String]
>> i.send('RSB')

ans =

Event[id=4145dcfd-aff7-45de-b00f-0c6c315f0ce7, scope=/example/informer/, type =String, metaData=MetaData[senderId = 4d619c1a-b516-4474-9eed-eb216546ff01, createTime = 1311006099963000, sendTime = 1311006099966000, receiveTime = 0, userTimes = {}, userInfos = {}]]