SpreadProtocol » History » Version 3

J. Wienke, 05/01/2011 09:20 PM

1 1 J. Wienke
h1. SpreadProtocol
2 1 J. Wienke
3 1 J. Wienke
This wiki page describes the protocol used by the spread-based connectors.
4 1 J. Wienke
5 1 J. Wienke
h2. Data Format
6 1 J. Wienke
7 1 J. Wienke
Data exchanged on spread is encoded using Google protocol buffers. A spread message always contains a notification (browser:/trunk/RSBProtocol/rsbprotocol/Notification.proto) as elementary communication unit. Descriptions of the Notification contents are given as comments on the descriptor file.
8 1 J. Wienke
9 1 J. Wienke
h2. Sequencing
10 1 J. Wienke
11 1 J. Wienke
Because spread has a message size limit, a single Notification may not be sufficient to transport a whole event with a huge amount of user data. Hence, events may be encoded in several notification sent subsequently. The meta infos are the same in all Notifications whereas the user data are split. The number of Notifications for one event as well as the current index of the sent data chunk are encoded in the Notification.
12 2 J. Wienke
13 2 J. Wienke
h2. Spread Settings
14 2 J. Wienke
15 2 J. Wienke
h3. Hierarchical Bus
16 2 J. Wienke
17 2 J. Wienke
The hierarchical bus is created by sending each message to a group corresponding to its scope as well as groups corresponding to all parent scopes including "/" (multigroup mulitcast).
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19 2 J. Wienke
h3. Group Names
20 3 J. Wienke
21 3 J. Wienke
Group names are created by hashing the fully formal scope string representation (including trialing slash) using md5. Because spread group names can only be 32 characters long _including the 0-terminator_, the last character of the hex representation of the hash is thrown away.