Tools » History » Version 5

Version 4 (J. Moringen, 07/16/2011 12:40 AM) → Version 5/19 (J. Moringen, 07/16/2011 01:02 AM)

h1. Tools


h2. Introspection

h3. Version, Plugins and Configuration Query

The RSB information query tool can used to display information regarding
* the RSB library version
* the set of registered connectors
* the set of available converters

|_.Implementation Language |_.Project |_.Repository Link |_.Compiled Binary |
| C++ | rsb-cpp | source:trunk/cpp/core/apps | TODO |

_Example: version only_
[jmoringe@azurit build]$ ./rsb_version
Version: 0.4.0, build 1911 (DATE 2011-06-30 15:14:46 +0200 (Thu, 30 Jun 2011)), abi 2

_Example: verbose mode_
[jmoringe@azurit build]$ ./rsb_version --verbose
Version: 0.4.0, build 1911 (DATE 2011-06-30 15:14:46 +0200 (Thu, 30 Jun 2011)), abi 2

ConnectorInfo[inprocess, schemas = {inprocess}, options = {enabled}]
ConnectorInfo[spread, schemas = {spread}, options = {host, port, enabled}]
ConnectorInfo[inprocess, schemas = {inprocess}, options = {enabled}]
ConnectorInfo[spread, schemas = {spread}, options = {host, maxfragmentsize, port, enabled}]

.* <-> bytearray : rsb::converter::ByteArrayConverter[wireType = std::string, wireSchema = .*, dataType = bytearray]
bool <-> bool : rsb::converter::BoolConverter[wireType = std::string, wireSchema = bool, dataType = bool]
uint64 <-> unsigned long : rsb::converter::Uint64Converter[wireType = std::string, wireSchema = uint64, dataType = unsigned long]
utf-8-string <-> std::string : rsb::converter::StringConverter[wireType = std::string, wireSchema = utf-8-string, dataType = std::string]
void <-> void : rsb::converter::VoidConverter[wireType = std::string, wireSchema = void, dataType = void]

h3. Logger

The RSB logger participates in a [[Glossary|channel]] using one or more [[Glossary|transports]] and displays all [[Events|events]] published on the channel using a configurable style.

|_.Implementation Language |_.Project |_.Repository Link |_.Compiled Binary |
| C++ | rsb-cpp-tools | source:trunk/cpp/tools | TODO |
| Common Lisp | cl-rsb-tools | source:trunk/cl-rsb-tools | "i686":, "x86_64": |

In the following example, the C++ version of the logger is instructed to participate in the channel designated by the root scope @/@. This means that the logger will display *all* events which are receivable using its configured transports. In this example, the configured transports depend on the RSB [[Configuration|configuration file]] and environment variables.
[jmoringe@azurit logger]$ ./rsblogger --format detailed /
Scope /
Id ac5f449c-4aa1-4b03-a9e2-3fac7d38e651
Type bytearray
Origin ab6e3a17-e11f-4c89-8c07-606a009e8439
Create 2011-Jul-03 12:51:11.802849+??:??
Send 2011-Jul-03 12:51:11.802950+??:??
Receive 2011-Jul-03 12:51:11.810332+??:??
Deliver 2011-Jul-03 12:51:11.810572+??:??
Payload (bytearray, length 100000)
0x0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
0x0017 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
0x002e 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
0x0045 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ...
Scope /
Id 3fd721ef-6e7c-4e81-bd5f-ff215b2b965f
Type std::string
Origin 8e07e02a-0dee-44a2-8926-cc65c0285410
Create 2011-Jul-03 12:51:20.102403+??:??
Send 2011-Jul-03 12:51:20.102482+??:??
Receive 2011-Jul-03 12:51:20.105319+??:??
Deliver 2011-Jul-03 12:51:20.105404+??:??
Payload (std::string, length 3)

_Example (inspection of protocol buffer event payloads):_
In this example, the Common Lisp version of the RSB logger is used to display protocol buffer event payloads. This only works, if the logger is provided with the protocol buffer IDL definitions of the event payloads it should display (in this example: the @running.example.Image@ message from [[Meetings2011-07-14|the slides used in this meeting]]). display. These definitions can either be textual definitions, typically found in @.proto@ files (as in this example), or compiled, binary descriptions (not shown).
[jmoringe@azurit build]$ ls ~/projects/talk-rsb-data/code/*.proto
[jmoringe@azurit build]$ ./logger-builtin-spread --style detailed --idl-path "/homes/jmoringe/projects/talk-rsb/data/code/" spread:
Scope : /
Id : 89064E22-C503-44DA-9C65-9385C29D09A1
Type : T
Origin: ABB03F86-655A-42EE-9D5B-26D34C922A3A
Create : 2011-07-16T00:28:52.123994+02:00
Send : 2011-07-16T00:28:52.124095+02:00
Receive: 2011-07-16T00:28:52.235294+02:00
Deliver: 2011-07-16T00:28:52.243197+02:00
#<IMAGE {1005B10C81}>
Meta-Data: #<META-DATA {10063AF2B1}>
Key : "foo"
Value: "bar"
Width : 20
Height : 30
Depths : 20
Data : 01 02 03 04

h2. System-level and Debugging Tools

h3. Spread Sniffer

The Spread sniffer tool allows debugging low-level communication when the Spread transport is used. It displays raw payloads of Spread messages and, if possible, the corresponding decoded @Notification@ objects.

|_.Implementation Language |_.Project |_.Repository Link |_.Compiled Binary |
| Common Lisp | cl-rsb-tools | source:trunk/cl-rsb-tools | TODO |

[jmoringe@azurit build]$ ./spread-sniffer
0000 12 10 73 F4 31 91 9D C2 48 C4 9C A9 92 33 03 ED 2A AB 32 05 2F 66 6F 6F 2F
0019 3A 0C 75 74 66 2D 38 2D 73 74 72 69 6E 67 4A 03 62 61 72 58 01 60 00 7A 24
0032 0A 10 62 AB 33 5F 9A F7 4A FE B2 D1 86 7B 81 3D 60 26 10 95 99 B0 85 FF E4
004B A9 02 18 CB 99 B0 85 FF E4 A9 02
Version : 31 2E 30 ("1.0")
Id : 73 F4 31 91 9D C2 48 C4 9C A9 92 33 03 ED 2A AB
Scope : 2F 66 6F 6F 2F ("/foo/")
Wire-Schema : 75 74 66 2D 38 2D 73 74 72 69 6E 67 ("utf-8-string")
Data : 62 61 72 ("bar")
Meta-Data : #<META-DATA {10047D8681}>
Sender-Id : 62 AB 33 5F 9A F7 4A FE B2 D1 86 7B 81 3D 60 26
Create-Time : 1309689890213013
Send-Time : 1309689890213067
Receive-Time: 0
Deliver-Time: 0
User-Times : <empty sequence>
User-Infos : <empty sequence>
Num-Data-Parts: 1
Data-Part : 0
Method : <empty sequence>