Overview » History » Version 3

S. Wrede, 11/19/2014 09:13 PM

1 1 J. Moringen
h1. Overview
2 1 J. Moringen
3 2 J. Moringen
h2. What are RSB and the RS* ecosystem?
4 1 J. Moringen
5 1 J. Moringen
In one sentence, RSB and the RS* ecosystem are a collection of software projects that support the development, operation and analysis of event-based multi-platform, multi-language distributed systems developed by the cognitive systems engineering group.
6 1 J. Moringen
7 1 J. Moringen
OK, but what does that actually mean?
8 1 J. Moringen
9 1 J. Moringen
> RSB and the RS* ecosystem
10 1 J. Moringen
11 1 J. Moringen
Most of these projects are named "RS<some letter>" where "RS" is short for "Robotics Systems". Here are the most commonly used ones:
12 1 J. Moringen
13 1 J. Moringen
| RSC   | Robotics Systems Commons   | A C++ library of frequently needed functions        |
14 1 J. Moringen
| RSB   | Robotics Service Bus       | See next paragraph                                  |
15 1 J. Moringen
| RSBag | Robotics Systems Bag Tools | Record/replay communication between programs        |
16 1 J. Moringen
| RST   | Robotics Systems Types     | Collection of data types; supporting infrastructure |
17 1 J. Moringen
18 1 J. Moringen
> event-based […] distributed systems
19 1 J. Moringen
20 3 S. Wrede
The main purpose of RSB is to enable software components, potentially running on multiple computers, to exchange data in a principled and efficient way. Events are one kind of flexible building block form which more complex forms of communication can be constructed. Events are routed transparently to participating components over a logically unified bus architecture that can be established using different network protocols according to application requirements. 
21 1 J. Moringen
22 1 J. Moringen
> development, operation and analysis of […] systems
23 1 J. Moringen
24 3 S. Wrede
Applications using RSB, their communication and involved data types can be inspected, monitored, recorded, replayed and analyzed. These features aid the development, operation and analysis of systems.
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26 1 J. Moringen
> multi-platform
27 1 J. Moringen
28 3 S. Wrede
RSB and the RS* ecosystem can be used on Linux, MacOS, Windows and Android. The native C++ implementation runs on standard x86 as well as ARM-based systems such as the "BeagleBoard":http://beagleboard.org/.
29 1 J. Moringen
30 1 J. Moringen
> multi-language
31 1 J. Moringen
32 1 J. Moringen
Components using RSB and the RS* ecosystem can be written in C++, Python, Java, Common Lisp and with some restrictions Matlab.
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34 1 J. Moringen
> developed by the Cognitive System Engineering Group
35 1 J. Moringen
36 1 J. Moringen
See http://www.cor-lab.de/cognitive-systems-engineering. For the kinds of support we provide , see next section.
37 1 J. Moringen
38 1 J. Moringen
h2. Documentation
39 1 J. Moringen
40 1 J. Moringen
|_. Project   |_. Project Website                                        |_. Manual                                                                                          |_. API Documentation |
41 1 J. Moringen
| RSC         | "Redmine Project":http://code.cor-lab.org/projects/rsc   |                                                                                                   |                     |
42 1 J. Moringen
| RSB         | "Redmine Project":http://code.cor-lab.org/projects/rsb   | "RSB Manual (includes RSB tools)":http://docs.cor-lab.org/rsb-manual/0.10/html/index.html         | "C++":http://docs.cor-lab.org/rsb-cpp-api/0.10/html/ "Python":http://docs.cor-lab.org/rsb-python-api/0.10/html/ "Java":http://docs.cor-lab.org/rsb-java-api/0.10/html |
43 1 J. Moringen
| RSBag       | "Redmine Project":http://code.cor-lab.org/projects/rsbag | "RSBag Manual (includes RSBag tools)":http://docs.cor-lab.org/rsbag-manual/0.10/html/index.html   |                   |
44 1 J. Moringen
| RST         | "Redmine Project":http://code.cor-lab.org/projects/rst   | "RST Manual (includes data type catalog)":http://docs.cor-lab.org/rst-manual/0.10/html/index.html |                   |
45 1 J. Moringen
46 1 J. Moringen
h2. Access
47 1 J. Moringen
48 1 J. Moringen
On Ubuntu Trusty systems, RSB and the RS* ecosystem can be accessed in two ways:
49 1 J. Moringen
# Using the pre-installed software in @/vol/isy/2014-15/releases/trusty/@
50 1 J. Moringen
# Using Debian packages (see "instructions":http://packages.cor-lab.org/)
51 1 J. Moringen
52 1 J. Moringen
In both cases, RS* software can be used in software projects as described in the "build system tutorial":http://docs.cor-lab.de/build%20system%20essentials-tutorial/trunk/html/index.html.
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54 1 J. Moringen
|_. Software  |_. @/vol/isy/@                                                          |_. Debian Package(s)                                       |
55 1 J. Moringen
| RSC         |                                                                        | C++: @librsc0.10@                                         |
56 1 J. Moringen
| RSB         |                                                                        | C++: @rsb-tools-cpp0.10@, Common Lisp: @rsb-tools-cl0.10@ |
57 1 J. Moringen
| RSB Tools   | @/vol/isy/2014-15/releases/trusty/bin/rsb-{logger,send,…}{cl,cpp}0.10@ | C++: @librsb0.10@                                         |
58 1 J. Moringen
| RSBag Tools | @/vol/isy/2014-15/releases/trusty/bin/bag-{record,play,…}cl0.10@       | Common Lisp: @rsbag-bin-cl0.10@                           |
59 1 J. Moringen
| RST         |                                                                        | C++, Python, Java: @rst0.10@                              |
60 1 J. Moringen
61 1 J. Moringen
h2. Support
62 1 J. Moringen
63 1 J. Moringen
* Mailing-list
64 1 J. Moringen
** Write: mailto:rsb@lists.cor-lab.uni-bielefeld.de
65 1 J. Moringen
** Subscribe: https://lists.techfak.uni-bielefeld.de/cor-lab/mailman/listinfo/rsb
66 1 J. Moringen
* IRC: #rsb IRC channel on irc.freenode.net
67 1 J. Moringen
* Reporting Bugs: @https://code.cor-lab.org/projects/rs*/issues/new@.