RSB 0.12 has been released

We are happy to announce the release of version 0.12 of the RSB middleware.
Added by J. Wienke about 9 years ago

We are happy to announce the release of version 0.12 of the RSB middleware.


  • The Common Lisp Tools now use a sub-command-based commandline syntax like git, svn and other modern commandline tools. The previous symbolic-link-based invocation will continue to work for a transition period. Please adapt your usage to the new syntax.
  • The C++ implementation has been adapted to use Boost.Signals2 instead of the deprecated version 1. This removes several compilation warnings on modern systems but also slightly changes the (rarely used) external API for participant hooks.


The following changes are included in this release:


  • A "display name" field has been added to the introspection protocol and a corresponding configuration option introspection.displayname has been added. Users can specify this configuration property for individual processes (e.g. via environment variables) to provide a custom name for the process, which is then e.g. shown by the introspection tool.

All languages

  • Spread connections are now shared between informers, which reduces the number of open connections to the spread daemon.


  • The implementation now uses Boost.Signals2 instead of the deprecated version 1. This changes the external API for participant hooks, which is rarely used externally. In case you have used these hooks, you need to migrate to the new signals namespaces and type names.
  • LocalServer::Callback implementations to reuse existing functions or methods have been added.
  • Several methods and types that have long been deprecated have been removed.


  • Several minor issues in the socket transport implementation have been fixed.

Common Lisp

  • The rsb:with-listener, rsb:with-reader, rsb:with-informer, rsb.patterns.request-reply:with-local-server and rsb.patterns.request-reply:with-remote-server macros have been replaced by rsb:with-active-participant and rsb:with-participant.
  • Similarly, the rsb:make-listener, rsb:make-reader, rsb:make-informer, rsb.patterns.request-reply:make-local-server and rsb.patterns.request-reply:make-remote-server functions have been replaced by rsb:make-participant.

Common Lisp Tools

  • All tools now use sub-command-based commandline syntax like git, svn and other modern commandline tools. The previous symbolic-link-based invocation will continue to work for a transition period. Example of the new syntax: rsb-toolscl0.12 logger --style monitor socket:
  • A new experimental web tool which serves information about an RSB system via HTTP has been added.


  • The commandline interface has been adapted to sub-commands as well.

For a more detailed list of fixed bugs, added features and other enhancements, see

Obtaining and Installing RSB

In the process, about 30 issues have been created and subsequently resolved.

This RSB release is available in the following forms:
  • Source archives
  • Pre-compiled self-installing archives or executable binaries
  • Debian packages for different Ubuntu Linux versions
  • Pypi packages on the official server
  • Maven package for rsb-java (on CITEC server) will be distributed once the server authentication is resolved after the LDAP issues.

Installation instructions and links for downloading can be found on the preparation pages of the RSB manual and the RSBag manual.

Bug Reports and Related Projects

As always, bugs, feature requests and enhancement proposals can be reported in the respective issue trackers:

Please note that the related projects

have been released as well.
