
From 06/13/2012 to 07/12/2012


04:40 PM Tasks #823 (In Progress): Executing entire benchmark
M. Rolf
04:38 PM Tasks #823: Executing entire benchmark

Added BenchAll.cpp that includes all other files.
What is prohibited in this scenario is that multiple files def...
M. Rolf
04:40 PM Tasks #826 (In Progress): Generate common benchmark output
M. Rolf
04:40 PM Tasks #824 (In Progress): Measure CPU time via callgrind
M. Rolf


02:55 PM Feature #1010 (In Progress): Valgrind as intrinsic execution engine
M. Rolf
02:49 PM Feature #1010: Valgrind as intrinsic execution engine
Callgrind generates an aweful output format:
Better ...
M. Rolf
01:18 PM Tasks #895: Unit support
More units come from callgrind: #cpu-cycles!
And potentially many, many more, like memory-footprint, cache-misses, ....
M. Rolf


12:04 AM Feature #1010 (In Progress): Valgrind as intrinsic execution engine
Allow benchmark calls that execute valgrind in background. Something like... M. Rolf
11:47 PM Tasks #825 (Resolved): Add Valgrind support

Check it out:...
M. Rolf
05:51 PM Tasks #822 (In Progress): Benchmark Baselines
M. Rolf
04:26 PM Tasks #822: Benchmark Baselines
It's now possible to create benchcases with "tags", that allow to distinguish different implementations of the same t... M. Rolf
05:50 PM Feature #1008 (Resolved): Allow selective execution of cases / tags
M. Rolf
04:49 PM Feature #1008 (Resolved): Allow selective execution of cases / tags
M. Rolf

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