
From 06/15/2011 to 07/14/2011


10:04 AM Tasks #418 (Resolved): Adapt NemoMath version in CMake file
Initially set NemoMath library version in the CMake file source:trunk/nemomath/CMakeLists.txt
and then constantly ad...


05:29 PM Bug #416 (Resolved): uniform random-generator does not produce max-value for integer-types
M. Rolf
03:07 PM Bug #415 (Resolved): Display test results in Jenkins
Display test results in Jenkins. The Jenkins xUnit Plugin seems to be able to import boost test results, see https://... Anonymous
03:04 PM Tasks #413 (In Progress): Fix warnings and compile time in Tests
M. Rolf


07:56 PM Feature #406 (Resolved): MathVector: Random vector initialization
See "ExampleRandom.cpp": M. Rolf
03:28 PM Enhancement #414 (Resolved): Introduce dimension object for MathVector
Overload ctors with
M. Rolf
03:27 PM Tasks #413 (Resolved): Fix warnings and compile time in Tests
M. Rolf
03:27 PM Feature #412 (Closed): Implement complex assignment on MathVector::ReadWriteRef
Use things like
v[0] *= 2;
M. Rolf


11:33 PM Bug #408 (Resolved): ‘intrusive_ptr_add_ref’ was not declared in this scope
Fixed with workaround: IntrusiveCowSupport now tries to use member functions newly defined in IntrusiveCounted
If ...
M. Rolf
12:48 PM Bug #408: ‘intrusive_ptr_add_ref’ was not declared in this scope
Dirty hot-fix:
Seems to work if a static instance of MathVector<T> is instantiated at the beginning of each compil...
M. Rolf
03:47 PM Feature #407 (Resolved): MathVector: Attaching vectors
Added new method:
const MathVector<T> MathVector<T>::attach(const MathVector<T> &vec) const
M. Rolf
01:18 PM Feature #407 (In Progress): MathVector: Attaching vectors
M. Rolf
03:46 PM Feature #409 (Resolved): MathVector subspace getter
Added new method:
const MathVector<T> MathVector<T>::subVector(const unsigned int fromIndex, const unsigned int dim)...
M. Rolf
01:18 PM Feature #409 (In Progress): MathVector subspace getter
M. Rolf
11:22 AM Feature #409 (Resolved): MathVector subspace getter
Getter for Vector subspaces (like RealVector->subspace() in MathData 1) missing.
@RealVector operator()(uns...
01:18 PM Bug #410 (Resolved): Reading a field from one vector and writing it to a second vector fails
New test code:
// non-const operator[]
RealVector v1(2, 1.0);
RealVector v1B(v1);
RealVector v2(2, 2.0);
M. Rolf
12:48 PM Bug #410 (In Progress): Reading a field from one vector and writing it to a second vector fails
M. Rolf
11:50 AM Bug #410 (Resolved): Reading a field from one vector and writing it to a second vector fails
Example code:
#include <iostream>
#include "Vector.h"
int main() {
nemo::RealVector values = nemo::RealVector...


12:57 AM Bug #408: ‘intrusive_ptr_add_ref’ was not declared in this scope
"Argument-dependent lookup" ( should actually do the job...
This might be a compil...
M. Rolf
06:33 PM Bug #408 (In Progress): ‘intrusive_ptr_add_ref’ was not declared in this scope
Minimal example:
#include <iostream>
#include "Vector.h"
namespace foo {
class FOO1 {
M. Rolf
05:46 PM Bug #408 (Resolved): ‘intrusive_ptr_add_ref’ was not declared in this scope
‘intrusive_ptr_add_ref’ was not declared in this scope
‘intrusive_ptr_release’ was not declared in this scope


11:42 PM Tasks #405 (Resolved): Jenkins-User ins Redmine
M. Rolf
04:57 PM Tasks #405 (Resolved): Jenkins-User ins Redmine
Bitte Jenkins-User im Redmine mit Lesezugriff aufs Repository hinzufügen, damit NemoMath als Build-Job eingerichtet w... Anonymous
07:18 PM Feature #407 (Resolved): MathVector: Attaching vectors
Attaching vectors is missing. (3-dim. vector + 3-dim. vector = 6-dim. vector) Anonymous
06:18 PM Feature #406 (Resolved): MathVector: Random vector initialization
Provide random vector initialization like in MathData (@RealVector::random()@). Anonymous

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