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M. Rolf, 01/24/2013 12:26 PM


NemoMath depends of the following tools and libraries, which are by default installed on all recent Ubuntu Linux configurations:

  • Build system: CMake (if you install NemoMath from source)
  • Libraries:
    1. Boost (header-only parts) (on ubuntu: libboost-dev, libboost-test-dev)
    2. Eigen 2 (on ubuntu: libeigen2-dev) or Eigen 3

Supported Platforms and Compilers

NemoMath is a cross-platform, cross-compiler library which is tested and maintained for the most frequently used system configurations:

Operating System Support

  • Supported:
    1. Linux, Ubuntu 10.04 and newer
    2. Mac OS 10.7 and newer
    3. Windows 7 and newer

Compiler Support

  • Supported:
    1. GCC from version 4.3, 32/64bit (tested on Ubuntu Linux)
    2. CLang3.0 (tested on MacOS)
    3. MSVC 2010 or newer (tested on Windows 7)
  • Not supported (and known not to work):
    1. GCC version 4.2, or older
    2. MSVC 2008 or older

Test configurations

These configurations are permanently tested and known to work:
  • Windows 7, Microsoft Visual Studio 2010, Boost 1.44.0, Eigen 2
  • Mac OS 10.7 "Lion" 64bit, Clang 2.1.0, Boost 1.47.0, Eigen 3.1.0
  • Ubuntu Linux 10.04 "Lucid Lynx" 32bit+64bit, GCC 4.4.3, Boost 1.40.0, Eigen 3.0.0
  • Ubuntu Linux 12.04 "Precise Pangolin" 32bit+64bit, GCC 4.6.3, Boost 1.46.1, Eigen 3.0.5
  • Ubuntu Linux 12.10 "Quantal Quetzal" 32bit+64bit, GCC 4.7.2, Boost 1.49.0, Eigen 3.0.93

Pre-Configured Installation

Debian packages

This is the recommended installation procedure for NemoMath on Ubuntu Systems.

Packages for Ubuntu Linux are constantly built on our continuous integration server for
  • Ubuntu Linux 10.04 "Lucid Lynx" 32bit + 64bit
  • Ubuntu Linux 12.04 "Precise Pangolin" 32bit + 64bit
  • Ubuntu Linux 12.10 "Quantal Quetzal" 32bit + 64bit

They can easily be downlaoded from out Package Server. Follow the link to get further instructions.

Gar System Installer

  1. Check out CITEC Gar System Installer from
  2. Go into sub-folder cor-lab/NemoMath
  3. On your console type
    • make install

Install from Source

A "header only" library

Getting and installing the course

  1. Check out SVN
  2. On your console type
    cd nemomath/build && cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$prefix && make && make install

Install and Compile Options

The following options manipulate the way NemoMath works during compilation time:

  • CMake option: USE_CPP_0X (default: true)
    • Enables NemoMath to use C++ features from the latest standard. This option is mandatory except on GCC 4.3, where fallbacks for critical features (declared type of expressions) are available.
    • If enabled, MathVector and Matrix instances can be constructed by C++11 initialization lists.
    • The option can be steered on compiler level by defining the C++ macro NEMO_HAS_CPP0x, or not.
  • CMake option: ABORT_ON_ERROR (default: false)
    • By default, NemoMath throws C++ exceptions in case of runtime errors. This option allows to disable exceptions and call abort() in case of an error.
    • In particular on older compilers (e.g. GCC 4.4), this can have a tremendeously positive impact on performance (see Benchmarks in #821).

Using NemoMath