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J. Wienke, 06/29/2015 10:16 AM

Dashboard Pipeline Setup

Installation of Required Software

  1. Install rsb, rst
  2. Install rsb-performance-monitor
  3. Install rsb-performance-monitor-graphite-adapter (git in this project)
  4. Install InfluxDB (ideally just use the DEB archive or citk)
  5. Install grafana (just extract the pre-built archive somewhere, or citk)
  6. Install elasticsearch (Optionally, used to store dashboard configurations server-side. Client-side storing is also possible. Install binary archive, e.g. from citk)


  1. Configure InfluxDB as desired. A config file which uses just a local computer and /tmp for data is attached. Please note that in this file the assets line in the admin section needs to be fixed so that it point to the installation of the required files for the admin web interface.
  2. Configure grafana to operate with this instance of InfluxDB. A sample configuration file is attached.

Please note that everyone calling the grafana web page in his browser later on needs to be able to communicate directly with the running InfluxDB instance since all plotting is performed client-side via JS.


  1. Start InfluxDB, e.g. with
    $prefix/opt/influxdb/influxdb -config=$prefix/etc/vdemo_scripts/data/influxdb-config-tmp.toml
  2. Ensure that a database exists inside the running DB. In this case, we will call it data
    curl -X POST 'http://localhost:8086/db?u=root&p=root' -d '{"name": "data"}'
  3. Start some rsb-performace-monitor instances, assuming that monitoring results will be published on /monitoring and /host
  4. Start rsb-performance-monitor-graphite-adapter with the InfluxDB backend
    $prefix/bin/rsbperfmon-graphite -d -b influxdb -a

    Assumes that InfluxDB runs on localhost with port 8086 and root:root as credentials. If not, provide the required arguments. -d pre-calculates derivatives of some values for better visualization purposes later on, -a aggregates all subprocesses into the results of a single monitored process since most of the time only the cumulative results of a functional component are interesting.
  5. Start a webserver to server the static grafana files, e.g.:
     cd $prefix/opt/grafana && python2 -m SimpleHTTPServer 8020
  6. Optionally, start an elasticsearch server
    $prefix/opt/elasticsearch/bin/elasticsearch -Des.path.data=$HOME/.elasticsearch

    Chose an appropriate data path


  1. Open the grafana webpage at http://localhost:8020
  2. Configure the dashboard as needed
  3. Save the dashboard, either to elasticsearch or to your browser


  • Use meaningful credentials instead of root:root

influxdb-config-tmp.toml.in (7.97 KB) J. Wienke, 01/15/2015 01:39 PM

grafana-config.js (1.71 KB) J. Wienke, 01/15/2015 01:50 PM

carbon.conf (16.9 KB) J. Wienke, 06/29/2015 10:38 AM

storage-schemas.conf (859 Bytes) J. Wienke, 06/29/2015 10:42 AM

local_settings.py Magnifier (571 Bytes) J. Wienke, 06/29/2015 10:44 AM

grafana-config.ini Magnifier (201 Bytes) J. Wienke, 06/29/2015 10:55 AM