Framework Comparison » History » Version 3

Version 2 (S. Wrede, 12/15/2010 01:24 PM) → Version 3/38 (S. Wrede, 12/15/2010 01:28 PM)

h1. ROS Comparison

Please note: We are comparing RSB against roscore not against ROS!

h2. Functional Differences

h3. Facts
* ROS provides topic-based pub-sub, RSB provides an m:n event bus.

h3. Wishes
* We believe in the power of reflection and self-description, such that
* a generic subscription mechanism, e.g., with path-based access such as XPath becomes feasible
* messages can be generally understood by everyone even if parts are not accessible
* RSB shall provide better introspection features, both for programmtic access (e.g., for anomaly detection) but also for developers

h1. ROS Integration

Potential strategies:

* (Generic) Bridge Component
* ROS Port (ROS as a transport, mapping to our concepts)
* RSB Integration in ROS


* Naming maintains features sets (which component understands what on which framework)