Meetings2011-06-30 » History » Version 3

Version 2 (J. Moringen, 06/23/2011 06:35 AM) → Version 3/29 (S. Wrede, 06/23/2011 11:51 AM)

h1. Meetings2011-06-30

h2. Conditional Sending of Events

_Only send events if someone is receiving_

h3. Requirements

* Save Bandwidth?
* Save data/event production cost?

h3. Discussion and some Implementation Ideas

* Implementation should probably not depend on a nameservice
* This is strictly an optimization; may not be available for all transports
* Events/callbacks would be generated by participant's connector
* Callbacks in listener/informer for channelEmpty/channelPopulated
* Special kind of "meta-event" for channelEmpty/channelPopulated
** Implementation detail: enabling and disabling of these events could be handled within connector's notification of client-installed filters

h2. Inter-Segment Communication

h3. Documentation

* Example program (C++)
* Wiki page

_Note: implementations of configuration mechanism in Java and Python have to be improved to support this_

h2. Use-case Analysis Presentations


h2. Additional Topics

* Feature #174