Meetings2011-09-08 » History » Version 7

Version 6 (J. Moringen, 09/08/2011 05:03 PM) → Version 7/13 (J. Moringen, 09/08/2011 05:04 PM)

h1. Meetings 2011-09-08

h2. C++ again: @InformerBase@, @AnyType@ and @uncheckedPublish@

* #521

* Type/scope checks
** Disabling should be possible regardless of the configuration mechanism
** As quality of Service option?
*** Can be enabled for debugging
** Efficiency improvements
*** Hash type names for faster comparison?

h2. RST

* Current State (Jan)

* Suggestions
** To reduce footprint of built libraries
*** Include only relevant data types in built libraries
*** Domain-specific libraries?
*** If possible, provide the complete data-type library and smaller partial libraries
**** Should be a build-time option to avoid runtime redundancy
Drawback: redundant linking causes hard-to-debug problems
** Converters should be built into "framework-specific" libraries
*** Example: one shared library for OpenCV converters

* CitCatalog BETA (Florian)
* Discussion

h2. Performance Enhancements (and "Threadless RSB")

* New event processing strategies
** Associated configuration
* Improvements in @Scope@ class
* Transports
** Improvements in in-process transport
** Improvements in Spread transport
** New Socket-based transport

h2. Language-specific Configuration?

* #551