Meetings2011-10-27 » History » Version 11

Version 10 (S. Wrede, 10/27/2011 04:42 PM) → Version 11/16 (S. Wrede, 10/27/2011 04:50 PM)

h1. Meetings 2011-10-27

h2. Topics

* Configuration service
** Configuration interface in RSC
** Simple key/value store + values are simple datatypes plus RST
** Additional option provider would be a central (?) service
** Local configuration per module must still be possible
** Local configuration must be possible also for unit testing
** De-centralized RPC-like interface for setting configuration parameters
** Schema-validation should be supported
** Implement drivers for native configuration mechanisms in each language
** RSB informs RSC about additional option provider
** Format compatibility with Yarp/ROS?
* Feedback ISY students
** Benefits and process of RST not clear (enough), e.g., code generation, resulting object-oriented API, backward compatibility, ...
** Scope semantics
* Once again: RST process / sandbox usage
** ISY students should be collected in LDAP branch in the techfak LDAP server * RSB roadmap / migration process
** afterwards, we can add them as a group to the RST project
* Android and RSB?
* @/vol/nightly@
* RSB roadmap / migration process
* Catalogue...