Meetings2012-06-28 » History » Version 15

Version 14 (S. Wrede, 06/28/2012 03:38 PM) → Version 15/20 (S. Wrede, 06/28/2012 03:38 PM)

h1. Meetings2012-06-28

h2. Feedback from Users, Reviewers

* HUMAVIPS situation, future NAO compatibility
* AMARSi situation, simulation engine for quadruped, ease of use and easy deployment

h2. Release Planning

* Generally: until today: 456 issues collected (only in the RSB project), 335 implemented / fixed.
* Roadmap:
* For 0.7:
** The "Oncilla"-Sim Release
** Spread is no longer an obligatory dependency.
** Custom (quite simple) socket transport used as default.
** Improved deployment on Ubuntu, MacOS
** Maybe: Initial nameservice / introspection!
** Better documentation:
* For 0.8:
** Initial Rosetta-Release, elimination of protocol buffers at framework level
*** Positive impact on footprint of the framework and performance
** Initial interoperability examples for import and export of components
*** Candidates: rViz for import, ikin learning for export (nothing decided yet)

h2. Meeting Planning

* How to revive RSB Meetings after summer?


* Concept for transport- and type-level compatiblity
* Code generation approach
* Import / Export of components written for other environments
* +Demo+

h2. Meeting Planning

* How to revive RSB Meetings after summer?

h2. ISY Praktikum

* How to improve usage through students?
* Beyond RSB: How to improve usage of CIT?