Meetings2012-08-16 » History » Version 3

Version 2 (J. Moringen, 08/16/2012 02:24 PM) → Version 3/4 (J. Moringen, 08/16/2012 02:43 PM)

h1. Meetings 2012-08-16

h2. Report from ISY course

* RSB has been used in two groups

h3. Experiences: group1

* Topic: Status/Control of sensors and lights via RSB
* Integration via RSB responsibility of one participant (of three)
* Other responsibilities: learning, hardware access
* RSB Java trunk version has been used
* Protocol buffer stuff worked fine
* Problems
** Ubuntu Spread package does not work (hard to notice in documentation)
** Missed RSB introduction
** Access to volume which contained RSB did not work
** Converter registration was a problem
** Builder pattern of Java protocol buffer API was new
* Potential for reuse
** Protocol and drivers can be reused
** New sensors/actors require new drivers
** Code is in ISY-specific redmine instance

h3. Experiences: group2

* Topic: Robotic Butler
** Environment would be shown to Robot
** Important locations would be marked
** Robot would then serve drinks autonomously
** Remote control via tablet
* ROS has been used
** For robot control, navigation
** For table-based remote control
* Use of RSB
** RSB installation worked fine
** State machine state published via RSB

h2. Experiences outside ouside ISY course

* Problems:
** transport configuration

h2. Development Process and Sustainability

* Ideas for future courses
** "Integration Tutorial"
** Cooperation and data exchange should be an explicit requirement
** Let groups configure/build/use software of other groups (one session)
** Can we enforce certain requirements for projects/components