Meetings2014-03-17 » History » Version 4

Version 3 (S. Wrede, 03/17/2014 03:06 PM) → Version 4/13 (S. Wrede, 03/17/2014 03:13 PM)

h1. Meetings2014-03-17

h2. RSB Component/Service/Group/Composite Semantics

* Currently, we lack the possibility to group participants and treat these as a kind of "component".
* We (Jan, Arne, Sebastian) consider such a group of participants useful.
* Features that relate to this notion of "components/groups/composites" could be:
** Assign transport configurations
** Assign (optional) common scope prefixes
** Describe "component" interfaces (cf. RSB DSL) for the involved participants
* Should "components/groups/..." be restricted to a single process?