PluginConcept » History » Version 5

J. Moringen, 05/26/2011 08:14 PM
fixed option names; other minor corrects

1 2 J. Moringen
h1. Overview
2 1 J. Wienke
3 2 J. Moringen
* Plugins are loaded at initialization time
4 2 J. Moringen
** This means, registration of provided converters and connectors happens during initialization
5 2 J. Moringen
** This is required in order for RSB to be able inquire about capabilities and configuration of converters and connectors
6 2 J. Moringen
* Selection and loading of plugins is configured using the [[Configuration|usual mechanism]]
7 2 J. Moringen
** An implementation-language-specific section configures
8 2 J. Moringen
*** Means of locating plugins (e.g. searchpath, classpath, PYTHONPATH)
9 2 J. Moringen
*** Names of the plugins that should be loaded
10 2 J. Moringen
11 2 J. Moringen
h2. C++ Plugins
12 2 J. Moringen
13 2 J. Moringen
* Are shared objects
14 2 J. Moringen
* Configuration via options
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** @plugins.cpp.path@: Colon separated list of directories in which expanded (e.g. @rsbspread DIRECTORY/ on linux) plugin libraries will be searched
16 5 J. Moringen
** @plugins.cpp.load@: Colon separated list of plugins that should be loaded. (Names do not include prefixes like "lib" of suffixes like ".so" or ".dll")
17 2 J. Moringen
18 3 J. Moringen
Configuration Examples:
19 2 J. Moringen
20 3 J. Moringen
21 1 J. Wienke
path = /vol/vampire/lib:/vol/cor/lib
22 5 J. Moringen
load = rsbspread:rsbvampire     # no filetype suffix
23 3 J. Moringen
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h2. Interaction with Introspection of Configuration Options
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The following protocol should be sufficient
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33 4 J. Moringen
# Setup fundamental configuration options (debugging, plugin loading, etc.)
34 4 J. Moringen
# Process configuration sources
35 4 J. Moringen
# Load requested plugins
36 4 J. Moringen
#* Plugins register connector implementations, converters, etc.
37 4 J. Moringen
# Introspect connector implementations to discover additional configuration options
38 4 J. Moringen
# Update configuration options
39 4 J. Moringen
# Process configuration sources again