Bag-cat » History » Version 8

Version 7 (J. Moringen, 11/24/2011 03:04 PM) → Version 8/10 (J. Moringen, 12/13/2011 06:41 PM)

h1. @bag-cat@


h2. Introduction

Like UNIX @cat@, the @bag-cat@ program makes a stream of data available on its standard output stream. Unlike UNIX @cat@, the data is obtained by processing log files.

See [[Bag-record|bag-record]] for recording and [[Bag-play|bag-play]] for replaying events from log files.

h2. Obtaining @bag-cat@

Binaries of the @bag-cat@ program can be downloaded from the "continuous integration server": for versions 0.4, 0.5 and the current trunk version of the project:rsb:

* @bag-cat@ _is not available in the 0.4 version_

* "0.5 Linux i686":
* "0.5 Linux x86_64":
* "0.5 MacOS x86_64":

* "0.6 Linux i686":
* "0.6 Linux x86_64":
* "0.6 MacOS x86_64":

After the download, the @bag-cat@ file has to be made executable in most cases. This can be done for example by executing
chmod +x bag-cat
in the download directory.

h2. Checking Versions and Displaying Help

Version and help information is displayed when the @--version@ and @--help[-for all]@ commandline options are specified:
./bag-cat --version
./bag-cat --help
./bag-cat --help-for all

The output of @--help[-for all]@ includes a list of supported file formats.

h2. Printing the Contents of Log Files

When invoked with a log file, @bag-cat@ prints the contents of one or more channels to its standard output stream. This is probably most useful for channels containing textual data, since binary content usually requires a form of decoding.

bag-cat ./bag-cat isr.tide | head
<sr db_start="80" db_utt="80" />
<sr db_start="45" db_utt="46" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?><speech_hyp [...]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?><speech_hyp [...]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?><speech_hyp [...]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?><speech_hyp [...]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?><speech_hyp [...]
<speech_hyp xmlns:bxml="" [...]

h3. Selecting Channels for Playback

The default behavior of @bag-cat@ is to print the contents of all channels found in the given file. However, when only a subset of the recorded channels should be printed, the @--channel@ (@-c@) commandline option can be used to select channels. The following example prints the contents all channels matching one of the regular expressions "hyp" and "param".

bag-cat ./bag-cat -c 'hyp' -c 'param' /tmp/nao.tide

h3. Controlling the Output Format

Like the [[rsb:Tools|logger], @bag-cat@ supports different output formats. These are controlled using the @--style@ option.

$ bag-cat --style 'programmable :template "${create} ${data}\\n"' mydata.tide
2011-12-13T17:03:25.533535+01:00 #(98 108 117 98)
2011-12-13T17:03:25.534054+01:00 #(98 108 117 98)
2011-12-13T17:03:25.534121+01:00 #(98 108 117 98)

h3. Caveats

* Individual entries can no longer be distinguished (unless some in-band properties permit this)
* If multiple channels are printed, the channel from which a given part of the output originated is no longer apparent (unless some in-band properties allow determining this)
* Printing channels which contain binary to a terminal content may mess up the terminal and cause all sorts of mayhem