Bag-info » History » Version 11

Version 10 (J. Moringen, 11/24/2011 03:00 PM) → Version 11/12 (J. Moringen, 03/12/2012 12:20 PM)

h1. @bag-info@

*The information on this page has been superseded by the "RSBag Manual":*


h2. Introduction

The @bag-info@ program can be used to inspect the structure and, to some extent, contents of log files. Given a log file, it displays the channels stored in the file, some information regarding timing as well as some event counts and sizes.

See [[Bag-record|bag-record]] for recording and [[Bag-play|bag-play]] for replaying events from log files.

h2. Obtaining @bag-info@

Binaries of the @bag-info@ program can be downloaded from the "continuous integration server": for versions 0.4 and 0.5 of the project:rsb:

* "0.4 Linux i686":
* "0.4 Linux x86_64":

* "0.5 Linux i686":
* "0.5 Linux x86_64":
* "0.5 MacOS x86_64":

* "trunk Linux i686":
* "trunk Linux x86_64":
* "trunk MacOS x86_64":

After the download, the @bag-info@ file has to be made executable in most cases. This can be done for example by executing
chmod +x bag-info
in the download directory.

h2. Checking Versions and Displaying Help

Version and help information is displayed when the @--version@ and @--help[-for all]@ commandline options are specified:
./bag-info --version
./bag-info --help
./bag-info --help-for all

The output of @--help[-for all]@ includes a list of supported file formats.

h2. Inspecting a File

When invoked with just a file name, @bag-info@ will display some basic information about the stored data. For example
./bag-info 1314442144.tide

should produce output similar to the following:

File "1314442144.tide"
Events : 7,620
Start : 2011-08-27T12:49:17.356679+02:00
End : 2011-08-27T12:56:41.333822+02:00
Duration: 443.977143d0
Channel "/KuHa/test/:UTF-8-STRING"
Events : 28
Start : 2011-08-27T12:49:41.037310+02:00
End : 2011-08-27T12:56:10.710000+02:00
Duration: 389.67269d0
Rate : 0.0718551767125379d0
Channel "/isr/hyp/:UTF-8-STRING"
Events : 30
Start : 2011-08-27T12:49:53.493381+02:00
End : 2011-08-27T12:54:31.182873+02:00
Duration: 277.689492d0
Rate : 0.1080343364235043d0
Channel "/isr/param/:UTF-8-STRING"
Events : 22
Start : 2011-08-27T12:49:41.398174+02:00
End : 2011-08-27T12:56:11.095187+02:00
Duration: 389.697013d0
Rate : 0.05645411503320914d0
Channel "/nao/mss/:UTF-8-STRING"
Events : 33
Start : 2011-08-27T12:49:41.370000+02:00
End : 2011-08-27T12:56:11.096949+02:00
Duration: 389.726949d0
Rate : 0.08467466795579487d0
Channel "/nao/proprioception/:.rst.ProprioceptionData"
Type : (RSB-EVENT .rst.ProprioceptionData)
Events : 2,298
Start : 2011-08-27T12:49:17.356679+02:00
End : 2011-08-27T12:56:32.623617+02:00
Duration: 435.266938d0
Rate : 5.279518840918719d0
Channel "/runner/statechanges/:UTF-8-STRING"
Events : 33
Start : 2011-08-27T12:49:23.262380+02:00
End : 2011-08-27T12:56:10.688253+02:00
Duration: 407.425873d0
Rate : 0.08099632887084714d0
Channel "/nao/vision/top/:.rst.ImageMessage"
Type : (RSB-EVENT .rst.ImageMessage)
Events : 926
Start : 2011-08-27T12:49:17.614445+02:00
End : 2011-08-27T12:56:31.452848+02:00
Duration: 433.838403d0
Rate : 2.1344352957153956d0
Channel "/audio/mic1:.rst.SoundMessage"
Type : (RSB-EVENT .rst.SoundMessage)
Events : 4,250
Start : 2011-08-27T12:49:17.356679+02:00
End : 2011-08-27T12:56:41.333822+02:00
Duration: 443.977143d0
Rate : 9.572564865124148d0

*Note: the file extension ("tide" in this case) determines the used file format backend. Currently, only the "TIDELog": file format is supported.*