Bag-record » History » Version 6

Version 5 (J. Moringen, 08/24/2011 10:54 PM) → Version 6/15 (J. Moringen, 08/24/2011 11:01 PM)

h1. @bag-record@

h2. Obtaining @bag-record@

Binaries of the @bag-record@ program can be downloaded from the "continuous integration server": for versions 0.4 and 0.5 of the project:rsb:

* "0.4 i686":
* "0.4 x86_64":
* "0.5 i686":
* "0.5 x86_64":

After the download, the @bag-record@ file has to be made executable in most cases. This can be done for example by executing
chmod +x bag-record
in the download directory.

h2. Checking Versions and Displaying Help

Version and help information is displayed when the @--version@ and @--help@ commandline options are specified:
./bag-record --version
./bag-record --help
The output of @--help@ includes a list of supported file formats.

h2. Recording Events

Some general remarks regarding recording of RSB events using @bag-record@:
* The specified output file into which events should be recorded, should not already exist
** If an empty file of the given name exists, it will be used for recording
** If a non-empty file of the given name exists it will be extended as long as it does not already contain any of the channels being recorded
* The recording process can be terminated gracefully by sending one of @SIGINT@ and @SIGTERM@ to the @bag-record@ process

h3. Recording from a Nao robot using a local Spread daemon

This example assumes
* A Spread daemon running on the local machine and listening on port 4803
* Image, Sound and Proprioception message are published (for example by running the "streaming components for Nao": on the RSB channels
** @/nao/vision/top@
** @/nao/audio/all@
** @/nao/proprioception@
* Image, Sound and Proprioception message are encoded using the project:rst data types
** rst:source:trunk/rst/proto/rst/ImageMessage.proto
** rst:source:trunk/rst/proto/rst/SoundMessage.proto
** rst:source:trunk/rst/proto/rst/ProprioceptionData.proto

./bag-record -o /tmp/nao.tide

*Note: the @wire-schema=NAME@ URL options are stored without further checks.*

*Note: the file extension ("tide" in this case) determines the used file format backend. Currently, only the "TIDELog": file format is supported.*

h3. Recording from a Nao robot using a remote Spread daemon

This example assumes
* A Spread daemon running on the machine "remote" and listening on port 4803
* Same data types as above

./bag-record -o /tmp/nao.tide