
From 12/14/2012 to 01/12/2013


05:29 PM Revision 1a5336c8 (rst-proto): Ensure that generated packages have a version greater than one tha...
to be generated.
* Increment patch version by 100
fixes #1311
J. Wienke


03:03 PM Revision 586e1c12 (rst-proto): Introduced version-specific install pathes for parallel installations
refs #1154
* All installation pathes now prefixed with rst major+minor version
* Configuration files (cmake, pkgconfi...
Arne Nordmann
01:49 PM Revision 5d69e3d7 (rst-proto): refs #1154 - 0.8 package also conflicting with 0.7 until installab...
Arne Nordmann
01:44 PM Revision b063296e (rst-proto): refs #1154 - 0.8 package also conflicting with 0.7 until installab...
Arne Nordmann


10:09 AM Revision 0a5f2132 (rst-manual): Do not explicitly state a section author.
* This already lead to confusion.
* Make myself a usual author of the document in the copyright line.
J. Wienke


05:39 AM Revision 20c9bd8a (rst-manual): Added missing troubleshooting document in troubleshooting.rst
* troubleshooting.rst: new file; empty list of common problems
* index.rst: include troubleshooting.rst
J. Moringen


07:36 PM Revision 06f4c881 (rst-proto): Fixed indentation in proto/sandbox/rst/vision/SimpleXYZImage.proto
refs #1301
* proto/sandbox/rst/vision/SimpleXYZImage.proto: fixed indentation of
docstring for field SimpleXYZImage.x
J. Moringen
07:32 PM Revision 5840dca0 (rst-proto): Extended description in proto/stable/rst/vision/__package.proto
* proto/stable/rst/vision/__package.proto: mention in
J. Moringen
07:28 PM Revision 0a7d255a (rst-proto): Extended documentation of SimpleXYZImage.proto
fixes #1301
* SimpleXYZImage.proto: filled in missing parts of the message and
field documentation strings
A. Swadzba


04:42 PM Revision 35afb1f5 (rst-proto): Extended and fixed documentation in proto/stable/rst/vision/Image....
refs #1302
* proto/stable/rst/vision/Image.proto: fixed @todo in documentation
string; slightly extended documenta...
J. Moringen
01:28 PM Revision 376363d1 (rst-proto): Improved documentation in proto/stable/rst/vision/Image.proto
refs #1302
* proto/stable/rst/vision/Image.proto: slightly extended and improved
J. Moringen
01:02 PM Revision 9b0f23bf (rst-proto): Initial documentation in proto/sandbox/rst/vision/SimpleXYZImage.p...
refs #1301
Note: The documentation is still incomplete and has to be extended by
the original authoress.
* proto/sa...
J. Moringen


05:55 PM Revision 262ad27c (rst-proto): Forwardport: Added simple point cloud data type in proto/sandbox/r...
fixes #1200
* proto/sandbox/rst/vision/SimpleXYZImage.proto: new file
A. Swadzba

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