
From 02/10/2015 to 03/11/2015


11:06 PM Bug #2192 (Rejected): single double missing in cpp implementation
Though string, int and uint are implemented sending doubles as in java or python is not possible within the cpp imple... M. Goerlich


11:52 AM Enhancement #2171: Add additional field to LaserScan.proto in stable/rst/vision
T. Korthals wrote:
> in the first patch (0001-Improve-specification-of-LaserScan.patch), I think it has to be @@ref ...
J. Wienke
11:22 AM Enhancement #2171: Add additional field to LaserScan.proto in stable/rst/vision
in the first patch (0001-Improve-specification-of-LaserScan.patch), I think it has to be @@ref .scan_angle / (...
T. Korthals


06:00 PM Enhancement #2171: Add additional field to LaserScan.proto in stable/rst/vision
Let me propose the attached patches which completely restructure the problem ;)
What I propose with these patches ...
J. Wienke


05:57 PM Enhancement #2171: Add additional field to LaserScan.proto in stable/rst/vision
* Why is it necessary to know the minimum and maximum values?
Because some lidar interfaces send values below/abov...
T. Korthals


12:49 PM Enhancement #2171: Add additional field to LaserScan.proto in stable/rst/vision
There are a few things that have to be clarified about this request.
The first one is that it concerns a type in s...
J. Wienke

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