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J. Wienke, 08/11/2011 02:43 PM

Converter Repository

Several applications using Robotics Service Bus as their middleware will require converters from RST-types to specific domain objects, e.g. rst.ImageMessage to OpenCV images. The folder source:/trunk/converter-repository will serve as a first working solution to collect these converters. This is probably not the final solution but several issues have to be addressed by any potential solution:
  • Converters depend on different libraries, e.g. the OpenCV converter will add a dependency to OpenCV. The repository itself, if compiled into a single library, would depend on many different libraries making it unusable.
  • Converters exist for different programming languages
The current solutions is as follows:
  • The root of the repository is organized by language folders.
  • Every converter is checked in into a dedicated folder only for this converter in its language directory.
  • Every converter is placed into a namespace/package/module to reflect the structure rst/converter/ConverterName.
  • The converter repository does not contain any build logic. It is the user's task to build the converter and integrate it into his or her project.
  • Users should integrate the converters into their project by either using svn externals or other solutions that pull in the latest code or a specific version/branch automatically. Copying the source is only the last solution