OganizationConventions » History » Version 8

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J. Wienke, 02/27/2012 06:21 PM


Feel free to add any thoughts or suggestions.


  • Do not include artifacts of the current communication pattern for one type. I.e. if you currently send events of images, your type must not be ImageEvent, but solely Image, as the Image type might later be reused in an RPC communication.
  • java_outer_class_name will always be <file name w/o ext>Type
  • Follow the rules in http://code.google.com/intl/de-DE/apis/protocolbuffers/docs/style.html

Directory Layout

The current policy for filenames of data definitions in RST is as follows:
  • The directory (relative to the proto/{stable,sandbox} directory in the project root) in which the proto-file resides must match the package name with all "."s replaced with "/"s
  • The filename must match the name of the "primary" message definition (with ".proto" appended)
  • There should only be one "primary" message definition in each proto-file
    • Groups of related messages should reside in individual files and refer to each other using import
  • Directory names are all lowercase and without word separations, e.g. imageprocessing.


  • Facilitate easy documentation and reuse via import
  • Data definitions can be treated as resources with unique URLs
    • These URLs can be derived from a qualified message name
      E.g. .rst.ImageMessage -> https://code.cor-lab.org/svn/rst/trunk/proto/rst/ImageMessage.proto

Automatic Checking

Is performed in a CI job.