Bug #2134

Error 22 when closing multiple socket listeners in python

Added by N. Köster over 9 years ago. Updated over 9 years ago.

Status:ResolvedStart date:12/17/2014
Priority:NormalDue date:
Assignee:J. Wienke% Done:


Target version:rsb-0.12


I get the following error (it's not a showstopper) when shutting down multiple listeners in rsb python, using socket transport:

17-12-14 12:40:42  [ERROR]   [__init__.py@609]: Exception in acceptClients: "[Errno 22] Invalid argument" 


Python: Python 2.7.6
RSB VERSION: '0.11.0-gba5241b
uname -a: Linux calcit 3.13.0-39-generic #66-Ubuntu SMP Tue Oct 28 13:30:27 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Setup Log

17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [communication_manager.py@28]: Creating middleware connection ...
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [rsb_connector.py@78]: Registering method as RPC server: query with arg ('self', 'query_string')
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [ltm_util.py@81]: Using RSB setup: ParticipantConfig[[ParticipantConfig.Transport[socket, enabled = True,  converters = ConverterMap(wireType = <type 'bytearray'>):
    bool <-> <type 'bool'>
    .rsb.protocol.collections.EventsByScopeMap <-> <type 'dict'>
    int64 <-> <class 'numbers.Integral'>
    utf-8-string <-> <type 'str'>
    double <-> <class 'numbers.Real'>
    void <-> <type 'NoneType'>
    bytes <-> <type 'bytearray'>
    .* <-> <type 'bytearray'>, converterRules = {}, options = {}]] {}]
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [__init__.py@63]: Using specified converter map for wire-type <type 'bytearray'>
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [util.py@355]: Started pool with 5 threads
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [eventprocessing.py@303]: Got new scope Scope[/ltm/rpc/query_mongodb/]
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 0: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@1469]: Activating listener
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [eventprocessing.py@323]: Activating configurator
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 1: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@751]: Activating
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 2: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@719]: Requested server role: auto
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 3: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@730]: Trying to get bus server localhost:55555 (in server = auto mode)
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 4: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@632]: Opening listen socket
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@636]: Starting acceptor thread
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@598]: Waiting for clients
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@336]: Adding connector <rsb.transport.socket.InPushConnector object at 0x7f455495ce50>
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@739]: Got <BusServer 0 connection(s) 1 connector(s) at 0x7f4552794750>
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [util.py@212]: Registered receiver <bound method LocalMethod._handleRequest of <LocalMethod "query_mongodb" at 0x7f4554952c50>>
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [ltm_core.py@66]: main ltm-core-py starting...
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [ltm_core.py@142]: Observing memory chunk motion with 16 scopes.
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [ltm_core.py@147]: Observing scope /home/wardrobe/motionsensor/entrance/status with datatype MotionSensor
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [mp_rsb_listener.py@51]: RSB Listener created: MainProcess
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [mp_rsb_listener.py@64]: Creating Listener on scope /home/wardrobe/motionsensor/entrance/status with datatype MotionSensor
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [__init__.py@63]: Using specified converter map for wire-type <type 'bytearray'>
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [util.py@355]: Started pool with 5 threads
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 0: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [eventprocessing.py@303]: Got new scope Scope[/home/wardrobe/motionsensor/entrance/status/]
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 1: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@1469]: Activating listener
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 2: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [eventprocessing.py@323]: Activating configurator
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 3: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@751]: Activating
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 4: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@719]: Requested server role: auto
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@730]: Trying to get bus server localhost:55555 (in server = auto mode)
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@336]: Adding connector <rsb.transport.socket.InPushConnector object at 0x7f4552794e90>
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@739]: Got <BusServer 0 connection(s) 2 connector(s) at 0x7f4552794750>
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [util.py@212]: Registered receiver <function manage_data at 0x7f4552784c08>
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [database_manager.py@78]: Creating Handler for scope /home/wardrobe/motionsensor/entrance/status in collection motion
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [ltm_core.py@147]: Observing scope /home/wardrobe/motionsensor/entrance/status with datatype MotionSensor
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [mp_rsb_listener.py@51]: RSB Listener created: MainProcess
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [mp_rsb_listener.py@64]: Creating Listener on scope /home/wardrobe/motionsensor/entrance/status with datatype MotionSensor
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [__init__.py@63]: Using specified converter map for wire-type <type 'bytearray'>
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [util.py@355]: Started pool with 5 threads
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 0: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [eventprocessing.py@303]: Got new scope Scope[/home/wardrobe/motionsensor/entrance/status/]
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 1: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@1469]: Activating listener
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 2: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [eventprocessing.py@323]: Activating configurator
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 3: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@751]: Activating
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 4: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@719]: Requested server role: auto
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@730]: Trying to get bus server localhost:55555 (in server = auto mode)
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@336]: Adding connector <rsb.transport.socket.InPushConnector object at 0x7f45527a5d10>
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@739]: Got <BusServer 0 connection(s) 3 connector(s) at 0x7f4552794750>
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [util.py@212]: Registered receiver <function manage_data at 0x7f4552784d70>
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [database_manager.py@78]: Creating Handler for scope /home/wardrobe/motionsensor/entrance/status in collection motion
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [ltm_core.py@147]: Observing scope /home/wardrobe/motionsensor/hallway/status with datatype MotionSensor
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [mp_rsb_listener.py@51]: RSB Listener created: MainProcess
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [mp_rsb_listener.py@64]: Creating Listener on scope /home/wardrobe/motionsensor/hallway/status with datatype MotionSensor
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [__init__.py@63]: Using specified converter map for wire-type <type 'bytearray'>
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [util.py@355]: Started pool with 5 threads
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 0: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [eventprocessing.py@303]: Got new scope Scope[/home/wardrobe/motionsensor/hallway/status/]
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 1: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@1469]: Activating listener
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 2: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [eventprocessing.py@323]: Activating configurator
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 3: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@751]: Activating
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 4: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@719]: Requested server role: auto
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@730]: Trying to get bus server localhost:55555 (in server = auto mode)
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@336]: Adding connector <rsb.transport.socket.InPushConnector object at 0x7f45527b1c10>
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@739]: Got <BusServer 0 connection(s) 4 connector(s) at 0x7f4552794750>
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [util.py@212]: Registered receiver <function manage_data at 0x7f4552784e60>
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [database_manager.py@78]: Creating Handler for scope /home/wardrobe/motionsensor/hallway/status in collection motion
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [ltm_core.py@147]: Observing scope /home/living/motionsensor/couch/status with datatype MotionSensor
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [mp_rsb_listener.py@51]: RSB Listener created: MainProcess
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [mp_rsb_listener.py@64]: Creating Listener on scope /home/living/motionsensor/couch/status with datatype MotionSensor
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [__init__.py@63]: Using specified converter map for wire-type <type 'bytearray'>
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [util.py@355]: Started pool with 5 threads
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 0: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [eventprocessing.py@303]: Got new scope Scope[/home/living/motionsensor/couch/status/]
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 1: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@1469]: Activating listener
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 2: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [eventprocessing.py@323]: Activating configurator
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 3: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@751]: Activating
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 4: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@719]: Requested server role: auto
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@730]: Trying to get bus server localhost:55555 (in server = auto mode)
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@336]: Adding connector <rsb.transport.socket.InPushConnector object at 0x7f45527bdb10>
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@739]: Got <BusServer 0 connection(s) 5 connector(s) at 0x7f4552794750>
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [util.py@212]: Registered receiver <function manage_data at 0x7f4552784ed8>
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [database_manager.py@78]: Creating Handler for scope /home/living/motionsensor/couch/status in collection motion
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [ltm_core.py@147]: Observing scope /home/living/motionsensor/media/status with datatype MotionSensor
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [mp_rsb_listener.py@51]: RSB Listener created: MainProcess
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [mp_rsb_listener.py@64]: Creating Listener on scope /home/living/motionsensor/media/status with datatype MotionSensor
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [__init__.py@63]: Using specified converter map for wire-type <type 'bytearray'>
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [util.py@355]: Started pool with 5 threads
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 0: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [eventprocessing.py@303]: Got new scope Scope[/home/living/motionsensor/media/status/]
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 1: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@1469]: Activating listener
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 2: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [eventprocessing.py@323]: Activating configurator
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 3: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@751]: Activating
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 4: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@719]: Requested server role: auto
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@730]: Trying to get bus server localhost:55555 (in server = auto mode)
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@336]: Adding connector <rsb.transport.socket.InPushConnector object at 0x7f4550114a10>
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@739]: Got <BusServer 0 connection(s) 6 connector(s) at 0x7f4552794750>
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [util.py@212]: Registered receiver <function manage_data at 0x7f4550121050>
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [database_manager.py@78]: Creating Handler for scope /home/living/motionsensor/media/status in collection motion
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [ltm_core.py@147]: Observing scope /home/living/motionsensor/table/status with datatype MotionSensor
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [mp_rsb_listener.py@51]: RSB Listener created: MainProcess
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [mp_rsb_listener.py@64]: Creating Listener on scope /home/living/motionsensor/table/status with datatype MotionSensor
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [__init__.py@63]: Using specified converter map for wire-type <type 'bytearray'>
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [util.py@355]: Started pool with 5 threads
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 0: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [eventprocessing.py@303]: Got new scope Scope[/home/living/motionsensor/table/status/]
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 1: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@1469]: Activating listener
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 2: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [eventprocessing.py@323]: Activating configurator
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 3: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@751]: Activating
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 4: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@719]: Requested server role: auto
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@730]: Trying to get bus server localhost:55555 (in server = auto mode)
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@336]: Adding connector <rsb.transport.socket.InPushConnector object at 0x7f455011d8d0>
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@739]: Got <BusServer 0 connection(s) 7 connector(s) at 0x7f4552794750>
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [util.py@212]: Registered receiver <function manage_data at 0x7f45501211b8>
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [database_manager.py@78]: Creating Handler for scope /home/living/motionsensor/table/status in collection motion
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [ltm_core.py@147]: Observing scope /home/living/motionsensor/control/status with datatype MotionSensor
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [mp_rsb_listener.py@51]: RSB Listener created: MainProcess
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [mp_rsb_listener.py@64]: Creating Listener on scope /home/living/motionsensor/control/status with datatype MotionSensor
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [__init__.py@63]: Using specified converter map for wire-type <type 'bytearray'>
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [util.py@355]: Started pool with 5 threads
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 0: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [eventprocessing.py@303]: Got new scope Scope[/home/living/motionsensor/control/status/]
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 1: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@1469]: Activating listener
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 2: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [eventprocessing.py@323]: Activating configurator
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 3: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@751]: Activating
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 4: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@719]: Requested server role: auto
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@730]: Trying to get bus server localhost:55555 (in server = auto mode)
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@336]: Adding connector <rsb.transport.socket.InPushConnector object at 0x7f4550127810>
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@739]: Got <BusServer 0 connection(s) 8 connector(s) at 0x7f4552794750>
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [util.py@212]: Registered receiver <function manage_data at 0x7f45501212a8>
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [database_manager.py@78]: Creating Handler for scope /home/living/motionsensor/control/status in collection motion
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [ltm_core.py@147]: Observing scope /home/kitchen/motionsensor/global/status with datatype MotionSensor
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [mp_rsb_listener.py@51]: RSB Listener created: MainProcess
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [mp_rsb_listener.py@64]: Creating Listener on scope /home/kitchen/motionsensor/global/status with datatype MotionSensor
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [__init__.py@63]: Using specified converter map for wire-type <type 'bytearray'>
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [util.py@355]: Started pool with 5 threads
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 0: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [eventprocessing.py@303]: Got new scope Scope[/home/kitchen/motionsensor/global/status/]
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 1: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@1469]: Activating listener
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 2: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [eventprocessing.py@323]: Activating configurator
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 3: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@751]: Activating
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 4: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@719]: Requested server role: auto
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@730]: Trying to get bus server localhost:55555 (in server = auto mode)
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@336]: Adding connector <rsb.transport.socket.InPushConnector object at 0x7f4550131710>
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@739]: Got <BusServer 0 connection(s) 9 connector(s) at 0x7f4552794750>
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [util.py@212]: Registered receiver <function manage_data at 0x7f4550121398>
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [database_manager.py@78]: Creating Handler for scope /home/kitchen/motionsensor/global/status in collection motion
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [ltm_core.py@147]: Observing scope /home/bath/motionsensor/global/status with datatype MotionSensor
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [mp_rsb_listener.py@51]: RSB Listener created: MainProcess
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [mp_rsb_listener.py@64]: Creating Listener on scope /home/bath/motionsensor/global/status with datatype MotionSensor
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [__init__.py@63]: Using specified converter map for wire-type <type 'bytearray'>
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [util.py@355]: Started pool with 5 threads
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 0: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [eventprocessing.py@303]: Got new scope Scope[/home/bath/motionsensor/global/status/]
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 1: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@1469]: Activating listener
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 2: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [eventprocessing.py@323]: Activating configurator
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 3: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@751]: Activating
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 4: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@719]: Requested server role: auto
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@730]: Trying to get bus server localhost:55555 (in server = auto mode)
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@336]: Adding connector <rsb.transport.socket.InPushConnector object at 0x7f455013d5d0>
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@739]: Got <BusServer 0 connection(s) 10 connector(s) at 0x7f4552794750>
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [util.py@212]: Registered receiver <function manage_data at 0x7f4550121410>
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [database_manager.py@78]: Creating Handler for scope /home/bath/motionsensor/global/status in collection motion
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [ltm_core.py@147]: Observing scope /home/bath/motionsensor/entrance/status with datatype MotionSensor
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [mp_rsb_listener.py@51]: RSB Listener created: MainProcess
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [mp_rsb_listener.py@64]: Creating Listener on scope /home/bath/motionsensor/entrance/status with datatype MotionSensor
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [__init__.py@63]: Using specified converter map for wire-type <type 'bytearray'>
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [util.py@355]: Started pool with 5 threads
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 0: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [eventprocessing.py@303]: Got new scope Scope[/home/bath/motionsensor/entrance/status/]
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 1: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@1469]: Activating listener
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 2: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [eventprocessing.py@323]: Activating configurator
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 3: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@751]: Activating
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 4: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@719]: Requested server role: auto
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@730]: Trying to get bus server localhost:55555 (in server = auto mode)
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@336]: Adding connector <rsb.transport.socket.InPushConnector object at 0x7f4550145510>
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@739]: Got <BusServer 0 connection(s) 11 connector(s) at 0x7f4552794750>
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [util.py@212]: Registered receiver <function manage_data at 0x7f4550121500>
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [database_manager.py@78]: Creating Handler for scope /home/bath/motionsensor/entrance/status in collection motion
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [ltm_core.py@147]: Observing scope /home/bath/motionsensor/shower/status with datatype MotionSensor
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [mp_rsb_listener.py@51]: RSB Listener created: MainProcess
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [mp_rsb_listener.py@64]: Creating Listener on scope /home/bath/motionsensor/shower/status with datatype MotionSensor
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [__init__.py@63]: Using specified converter map for wire-type <type 'bytearray'>
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [util.py@355]: Started pool with 5 threads
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 0: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [eventprocessing.py@303]: Got new scope Scope[/home/bath/motionsensor/shower/status/]
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 1: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@1469]: Activating listener
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 2: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [eventprocessing.py@323]: Activating configurator
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 3: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@751]: Activating
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 4: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@719]: Requested server role: auto
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@730]: Trying to get bus server localhost:55555 (in server = auto mode)
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@336]: Adding connector <rsb.transport.socket.InPushConnector object at 0x7f45500d13d0>
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@739]: Got <BusServer 0 connection(s) 12 connector(s) at 0x7f4552794750>
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [util.py@212]: Registered receiver <function manage_data at 0x7f45501215f0>
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [database_manager.py@78]: Creating Handler for scope /home/bath/motionsensor/shower/status in collection motion
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [ltm_core.py@147]: Observing scope /home/bath/motionsensor/sink/status with datatype MotionSensor
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [mp_rsb_listener.py@51]: RSB Listener created: MainProcess
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [mp_rsb_listener.py@64]: Creating Listener on scope /home/bath/motionsensor/sink/status with datatype MotionSensor
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [__init__.py@63]: Using specified converter map for wire-type <type 'bytearray'>
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [util.py@355]: Started pool with 5 threads
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 0: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [eventprocessing.py@303]: Got new scope Scope[/home/bath/motionsensor/sink/status/]
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 1: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@1469]: Activating listener
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 2: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [eventprocessing.py@323]: Activating configurator
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 3: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@751]: Activating
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 4: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@719]: Requested server role: auto
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@730]: Trying to get bus server localhost:55555 (in server = auto mode)
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@336]: Adding connector <rsb.transport.socket.InPushConnector object at 0x7f45500d9310>
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@739]: Got <BusServer 0 connection(s) 13 connector(s) at 0x7f4552794750>
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [util.py@212]: Registered receiver <function manage_data at 0x7f4550121758>
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [database_manager.py@78]: Creating Handler for scope /home/bath/motionsensor/sink/status in collection motion
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [ltm_core.py@147]: Observing scope /home/sports/motionsensor/interaction/status with datatype MotionSensor
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [mp_rsb_listener.py@51]: RSB Listener created: MainProcess
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [mp_rsb_listener.py@64]: Creating Listener on scope /home/sports/motionsensor/interaction/status with datatype MotionSensor
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [__init__.py@63]: Using specified converter map for wire-type <type 'bytearray'>
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [util.py@355]: Started pool with 5 threads
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 0: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [eventprocessing.py@303]: Got new scope Scope[/home/sports/motionsensor/interaction/status/]
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 1: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@1469]: Activating listener
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 2: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [eventprocessing.py@323]: Activating configurator
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 3: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@751]: Activating
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 4: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@719]: Requested server role: auto
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@730]: Trying to get bus server localhost:55555 (in server = auto mode)
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@336]: Adding connector <rsb.transport.socket.InPushConnector object at 0x7f45500e5210>
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@739]: Got <BusServer 0 connection(s) 14 connector(s) at 0x7f4552794750>
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [util.py@212]: Registered receiver <function manage_data at 0x7f4550121848>
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [database_manager.py@78]: Creating Handler for scope /home/sports/motionsensor/interaction/status in collection motion
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [ltm_core.py@147]: Observing scope /home/sports/motionsensor/pathway/status with datatype MotionSensor
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [mp_rsb_listener.py@51]: RSB Listener created: MainProcess
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [mp_rsb_listener.py@64]: Creating Listener on scope /home/sports/motionsensor/pathway/status with datatype MotionSensor
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [__init__.py@63]: Using specified converter map for wire-type <type 'bytearray'>
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [util.py@355]: Started pool with 5 threads
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 0: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [eventprocessing.py@303]: Got new scope Scope[/home/sports/motionsensor/pathway/status/]
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 1: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@1469]: Activating listener
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 2: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [eventprocessing.py@323]: Activating configurator
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 3: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@751]: Activating
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 4: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@719]: Requested server role: auto
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@730]: Trying to get bus server localhost:55555 (in server = auto mode)
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@336]: Adding connector <rsb.transport.socket.InPushConnector object at 0x7f45500f20d0>
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@739]: Got <BusServer 0 connection(s) 15 connector(s) at 0x7f4552794750>
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [util.py@212]: Registered receiver <function manage_data at 0x7f4550121938>
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [database_manager.py@78]: Creating Handler for scope /home/sports/motionsensor/pathway/status in collection motion
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [ltm_core.py@147]: Observing scope /home/control/motionsensor/entrance/status with datatype MotionSensor
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [mp_rsb_listener.py@51]: RSB Listener created: MainProcess
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [mp_rsb_listener.py@64]: Creating Listener on scope /home/control/motionsensor/entrance/status with datatype MotionSensor
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [__init__.py@63]: Using specified converter map for wire-type <type 'bytearray'>
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 0: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [util.py@355]: Started pool with 5 threads
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 1: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [eventprocessing.py@303]: Got new scope Scope[/home/control/motionsensor/entrance/status/]
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 2: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@1469]: Activating listener
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 3: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [eventprocessing.py@323]: Activating configurator
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 4: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@751]: Activating
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@719]: Requested server role: auto
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@730]: Trying to get bus server localhost:55555 (in server = auto mode)
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@336]: Adding connector <rsb.transport.socket.InPushConnector object at 0x7f45500f2fd0>
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@739]: Got <BusServer 0 connection(s) 16 connector(s) at 0x7f4552794750>
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [util.py@212]: Registered receiver <function manage_data at 0x7f4550121a28>
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [database_manager.py@78]: Creating Handler for scope /home/control/motionsensor/entrance/status in collection motion
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [ltm_core.py@147]: Observing scope /home/control/motionsensor/testunit_1/status with datatype MotionSensor
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [mp_rsb_listener.py@51]: RSB Listener created: MainProcess
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [mp_rsb_listener.py@64]: Creating Listener on scope /home/control/motionsensor/testunit_1/status with datatype MotionSensor
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [__init__.py@63]: Using specified converter map for wire-type <type 'bytearray'>
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [util.py@355]: Started pool with 5 threads
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 0: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [eventprocessing.py@303]: Got new scope Scope[/home/control/motionsensor/testunit_1/status/]
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 1: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@1469]: Activating listener
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 2: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [eventprocessing.py@323]: Activating configurator
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 3: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@751]: Activating
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 4: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@719]: Requested server role: auto
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@730]: Trying to get bus server localhost:55555 (in server = auto mode)
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@336]: Adding connector <rsb.transport.socket.InPushConnector object at 0x7f45500faed0>
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@739]: Got <BusServer 0 connection(s) 17 connector(s) at 0x7f4552794750>
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [util.py@212]: Registered receiver <function manage_data at 0x7f4550121b18>
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [database_manager.py@78]: Creating Handler for scope /home/control/motionsensor/testunit_1/status in collection motion
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [ltm_core.py@142]: Observing memory chunk situation with 1 scopes.
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [ltm_core.py@147]: Observing scope /home/situation/ with datatype SituationType
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [mp_rsb_listener.py@51]: RSB Listener created: MainProcess
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [mp_rsb_listener.py@64]: Creating Listener on scope /home/situation/ with datatype SituationType
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [__init__.py@63]: Using specified converter map for wire-type <type 'bytearray'>
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [util.py@355]: Started pool with 5 threads
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 0: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [eventprocessing.py@303]: Got new scope Scope[/home/situation/]
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 1: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@1469]: Activating listener
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 2: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [eventprocessing.py@323]: Activating configurator
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 3: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@751]: Activating
17-12-14 12:40:32  [DEBUG]   [util.py@273]: Worker 4: no jobs available, waiting
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@719]: Requested server role: auto
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@730]: Trying to get bus server localhost:55555 (in server = auto mode)
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@336]: Adding connector <rsb.transport.socket.InPushConnector object at 0x7f4550105dd0>
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [__init__.py@739]: Got <BusServer 0 connection(s) 18 connector(s) at 0x7f4552794750>
17-12-14 12:40:32   [INFO]   [util.py@212]: Registered receiver <function manage_data at 0x7f4550121b90>

Shutdown log

17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [ltm_core.py@101]: Shutting down communication layer ...
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [rsb_connector.py@100]: Destroying RPC server ...
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [__init__.py@1482]: Deactivating listener
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [eventprocessing.py@333]: Deactivating configurator
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [__init__.py@761]: Deactivating
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [__init__.py@347]: Removing connector <rsb.transport.socket.InPushConnector object at 0x7f455495ce50>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [eventprocessing.py@128]: Deactivating ParallelEventReceivingStrategy
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [util.py@362]: Starting to stop thread pool by wating for workers
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-1, started daemon 139935706588928)>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-2, stopped daemon 139935698196224)>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-3, stopped daemon 139935689803520)>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-4, stopped daemon 139935681410816)>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-5, stopped daemon 139935470319360)>
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [util.py@376]: Stopped thread pool
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [util.py@362]: Starting to stop thread pool by wating for workers
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [util.py@376]: Stopped thread pool
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [eventprocessing.py@287]: Destructing Configurator
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [eventprocessing.py@124]: Destructing ParallelEventReceivingStrategy
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [eventprocessing.py@128]: Deactivating ParallelEventReceivingStrategy
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [rsb_connector.py@102]: Destroying listeners ...
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [__init__.py@1482]: Deactivating listener
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [eventprocessing.py@333]: Deactivating configurator
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [__init__.py@761]: Deactivating
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [__init__.py@347]: Removing connector <rsb.transport.socket.InPushConnector object at 0x7f4552794e90>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [eventprocessing.py@128]: Deactivating ParallelEventReceivingStrategy
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [util.py@362]: Starting to stop thread pool by wating for workers
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-7, started daemon 139935453533952)>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-8, stopped daemon 139935445141248)>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-9, stopped daemon 139935436748544)>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-10, stopped daemon 139935428355840)>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-11, stopped daemon 139935419963136)>
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [util.py@376]: Stopped thread pool
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [util.py@362]: Starting to stop thread pool by wating for workers
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [util.py@376]: Stopped thread pool
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [__init__.py@1482]: Deactivating listener
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [eventprocessing.py@333]: Deactivating configurator
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [__init__.py@761]: Deactivating
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [__init__.py@347]: Removing connector <rsb.transport.socket.InPushConnector object at 0x7f45527a5d10>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [eventprocessing.py@128]: Deactivating ParallelEventReceivingStrategy
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [util.py@362]: Starting to stop thread pool by wating for workers
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-13, started daemon 139934857946880)>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-14, stopped daemon 139934849554176)>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-15, stopped daemon 139934841161472)>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-16, stopped daemon 139934832768768)>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-17, stopped daemon 139934824376064)>
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [util.py@376]: Stopped thread pool
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [util.py@362]: Starting to stop thread pool by wating for workers
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [util.py@376]: Stopped thread pool
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [__init__.py@1482]: Deactivating listener
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [eventprocessing.py@333]: Deactivating configurator
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [__init__.py@761]: Deactivating
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [__init__.py@347]: Removing connector <rsb.transport.socket.InPushConnector object at 0x7f45527b1c10>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [eventprocessing.py@128]: Deactivating ParallelEventReceivingStrategy
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [util.py@362]: Starting to stop thread pool by wating for workers
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-19, started daemon 139934329468672)>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-20, stopped daemon 139934321075968)>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-21, stopped daemon 139934312683264)>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-22, stopped daemon 139934304290560)>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-23, stopped daemon 139934295897856)>
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [util.py@376]: Stopped thread pool
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [util.py@362]: Starting to stop thread pool by wating for workers
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [util.py@376]: Stopped thread pool
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [__init__.py@1482]: Deactivating listener
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [eventprocessing.py@333]: Deactivating configurator
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [__init__.py@761]: Deactivating
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [__init__.py@347]: Removing connector <rsb.transport.socket.InPushConnector object at 0x7f45527bdb10>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [eventprocessing.py@128]: Deactivating ParallelEventReceivingStrategy
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [util.py@362]: Starting to stop thread pool by wating for workers
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-25, started daemon 139934279112448)>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-26, started daemon 139933792597760)>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-27, stopped daemon 139933784205056)>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-28, stopped daemon 139933775812352)>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-29, stopped daemon 139933767419648)>
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [util.py@376]: Stopped thread pool
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [util.py@362]: Starting to stop thread pool by wating for workers
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [util.py@376]: Stopped thread pool
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [__init__.py@1482]: Deactivating listener
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [eventprocessing.py@333]: Deactivating configurator
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [__init__.py@761]: Deactivating
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [__init__.py@347]: Removing connector <rsb.transport.socket.InPushConnector object at 0x7f4550114a10>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [eventprocessing.py@128]: Deactivating ParallelEventReceivingStrategy
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [util.py@362]: Starting to stop thread pool by wating for workers
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-31, started daemon 139933750634240)>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-32, stopped daemon 139933742241536)>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-33, stopped daemon 139933255726848)>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-34, stopped daemon 139933247334144)>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-35, stopped daemon 139933238941440)>
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [util.py@376]: Stopped thread pool
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [util.py@362]: Starting to stop thread pool by wating for workers
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [util.py@376]: Stopped thread pool
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [__init__.py@1482]: Deactivating listener
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [eventprocessing.py@333]: Deactivating configurator
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [__init__.py@761]: Deactivating
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [__init__.py@347]: Removing connector <rsb.transport.socket.InPushConnector object at 0x7f455011d8d0>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [eventprocessing.py@128]: Deactivating ParallelEventReceivingStrategy
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [util.py@362]: Starting to stop thread pool by wating for workers
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-37, started daemon 139933222156032)>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-38, stopped daemon 139933213763328)>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-39, stopped daemon 139933205370624)>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-40, stopped daemon 139932718855936)>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-41, stopped daemon 139932710463232)>
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [util.py@376]: Stopped thread pool
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [util.py@362]: Starting to stop thread pool by wating for workers
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [util.py@376]: Stopped thread pool
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [__init__.py@1482]: Deactivating listener
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [eventprocessing.py@333]: Deactivating configurator
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [__init__.py@761]: Deactivating
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [__init__.py@347]: Removing connector <rsb.transport.socket.InPushConnector object at 0x7f4550127810>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [eventprocessing.py@128]: Deactivating ParallelEventReceivingStrategy
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [util.py@362]: Starting to stop thread pool by wating for workers
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-43, started daemon 139932693677824)>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-44, stopped daemon 139932685285120)>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-45, stopped daemon 139932676892416)>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-46, stopped daemon 139932668499712)>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-47, stopped daemon 139932181985024)>
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [util.py@376]: Stopped thread pool
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [util.py@362]: Starting to stop thread pool by wating for workers
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [util.py@376]: Stopped thread pool
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [__init__.py@1482]: Deactivating listener
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [eventprocessing.py@333]: Deactivating configurator
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [__init__.py@761]: Deactivating
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [__init__.py@347]: Removing connector <rsb.transport.socket.InPushConnector object at 0x7f4550131710>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [eventprocessing.py@128]: Deactivating ParallelEventReceivingStrategy
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [util.py@362]: Starting to stop thread pool by wating for workers
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-49, started daemon 139932165199616)>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-50, stopped daemon 139932156806912)>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-51, stopped daemon 139932148414208)>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-52, stopped daemon 139932140021504)>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-53, stopped daemon 139932131628800)>
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [util.py@376]: Stopped thread pool
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [util.py@362]: Starting to stop thread pool by wating for workers
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [util.py@376]: Stopped thread pool
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [__init__.py@1482]: Deactivating listener
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [eventprocessing.py@333]: Deactivating configurator
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [__init__.py@761]: Deactivating
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [__init__.py@347]: Removing connector <rsb.transport.socket.InPushConnector object at 0x7f455013d5d0>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [eventprocessing.py@128]: Deactivating ParallelEventReceivingStrategy
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [util.py@362]: Starting to stop thread pool by wating for workers
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-55, started daemon 139931636721408)>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-56, started daemon 139931628328704)>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-57, stopped daemon 139931619936000)>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-58, stopped daemon 139931611543296)>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-59, stopped daemon 139931603150592)>
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [util.py@376]: Stopped thread pool
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [util.py@362]: Starting to stop thread pool by wating for workers
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [util.py@376]: Stopped thread pool
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [__init__.py@1482]: Deactivating listener
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [eventprocessing.py@333]: Deactivating configurator
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [__init__.py@761]: Deactivating
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [__init__.py@347]: Removing connector <rsb.transport.socket.InPushConnector object at 0x7f4550145510>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [eventprocessing.py@128]: Deactivating ParallelEventReceivingStrategy
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [util.py@362]: Starting to stop thread pool by wating for workers
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-61, started daemon 139931108243200)>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-62, started daemon 139931099850496)>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-63, stopped daemon 139931091457792)>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-64, stopped daemon 139931083065088)>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-65, stopped daemon 139931074672384)>
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [util.py@376]: Stopped thread pool
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [util.py@362]: Starting to stop thread pool by wating for workers
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [util.py@376]: Stopped thread pool
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [__init__.py@1482]: Deactivating listener
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [eventprocessing.py@333]: Deactivating configurator
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [__init__.py@761]: Deactivating
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [__init__.py@347]: Removing connector <rsb.transport.socket.InPushConnector object at 0x7f45500d13d0>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [eventprocessing.py@128]: Deactivating ParallelEventReceivingStrategy
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [util.py@362]: Starting to stop thread pool by wating for workers
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-67, started daemon 139931057886976)>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-68, started daemon 139930839807744)>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-69, stopped daemon 139930831415040)>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-70, stopped daemon 139930823022336)>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-71, stopped daemon 139930814629632)>
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [util.py@376]: Stopped thread pool
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [util.py@362]: Starting to stop thread pool by wating for workers
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [util.py@376]: Stopped thread pool
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [__init__.py@1482]: Deactivating listener
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [eventprocessing.py@333]: Deactivating configurator
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [__init__.py@761]: Deactivating
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [__init__.py@347]: Removing connector <rsb.transport.socket.InPushConnector object at 0x7f45500d9310>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [eventprocessing.py@128]: Deactivating ParallelEventReceivingStrategy
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [util.py@362]: Starting to stop thread pool by wating for workers
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-73, started daemon 139930797844224)>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-74, started daemon 139930789451520)>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-75, stopped daemon 139930781058816)>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-76, stopped daemon 139930772666112)>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-77, stopped daemon 139930764273408)>
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [util.py@376]: Stopped thread pool
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [util.py@362]: Starting to stop thread pool by wating for workers
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [util.py@376]: Stopped thread pool
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [__init__.py@1482]: Deactivating listener
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [eventprocessing.py@333]: Deactivating configurator
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [__init__.py@761]: Deactivating
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [__init__.py@347]: Removing connector <rsb.transport.socket.InPushConnector object at 0x7f45500e5210>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [eventprocessing.py@128]: Deactivating ParallelEventReceivingStrategy
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [util.py@362]: Starting to stop thread pool by wating for workers
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-79, started daemon 139930747488000)>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-80, stopped daemon 139930739095296)>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-81, stopped daemon 139930730702592)>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-82, stopped daemon 139930722309888)>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-83, stopped daemon 139930713917184)>
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [util.py@376]: Stopped thread pool
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [util.py@362]: Starting to stop thread pool by wating for workers
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [util.py@376]: Stopped thread pool
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [__init__.py@1482]: Deactivating listener
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [eventprocessing.py@333]: Deactivating configurator
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [__init__.py@761]: Deactivating
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [__init__.py@347]: Removing connector <rsb.transport.socket.InPushConnector object at 0x7f45500f20d0>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [eventprocessing.py@128]: Deactivating ParallelEventReceivingStrategy
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [util.py@362]: Starting to stop thread pool by wating for workers
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-85, started daemon 139930697131776)>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-86, stopped daemon 139930688739072)>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-87, stopped daemon 139930680346368)>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-88, stopped daemon 139930671953664)>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-89, stopped daemon 139930663560960)>
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [util.py@376]: Stopped thread pool
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [util.py@362]: Starting to stop thread pool by wating for workers
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [util.py@376]: Stopped thread pool
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [__init__.py@1482]: Deactivating listener
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [eventprocessing.py@333]: Deactivating configurator
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [__init__.py@761]: Deactivating
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [__init__.py@347]: Removing connector <rsb.transport.socket.InPushConnector object at 0x7f45500f2fd0>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [eventprocessing.py@128]: Deactivating ParallelEventReceivingStrategy
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [util.py@362]: Starting to stop thread pool by wating for workers
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-91, started daemon 139930646775552)>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-92, started daemon 139930638382848)>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-93, stopped daemon 139930629990144)>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-94, stopped daemon 139930621597440)>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-95, stopped daemon 139930613204736)>
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [util.py@376]: Stopped thread pool
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [util.py@362]: Starting to stop thread pool by wating for workers
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [util.py@376]: Stopped thread pool
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [__init__.py@1482]: Deactivating listener
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [eventprocessing.py@333]: Deactivating configurator
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [__init__.py@761]: Deactivating
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [__init__.py@347]: Removing connector <rsb.transport.socket.InPushConnector object at 0x7f45500faed0>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [eventprocessing.py@128]: Deactivating ParallelEventReceivingStrategy
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [util.py@362]: Starting to stop thread pool by wating for workers
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-97, started daemon 139930596419328)>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-98, started daemon 139930588026624)>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-99, stopped daemon 139930579633920)>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-100, stopped daemon 139930571241216)>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-101, stopped daemon 139930562848512)>
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [util.py@376]: Stopped thread pool
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [util.py@362]: Starting to stop thread pool by wating for workers
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [util.py@376]: Stopped thread pool
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [__init__.py@1482]: Deactivating listener
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [eventprocessing.py@333]: Deactivating configurator
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [__init__.py@761]: Deactivating
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [__init__.py@347]: Removing connector <rsb.transport.socket.InPushConnector object at 0x7f4550105dd0>
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [__init__.py@351]: Removed last connector; requesting deletion
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [__init__.py@648]: Closing listen socket
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [__init__.py@662]: Waiting for acceptor thread
17-12-14 12:40:42  [ERROR]   [__init__.py@609]: Exception in acceptClients: "[Errno 22] Invalid argument" 
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [__init__.py@409]: Closing connections
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [eventprocessing.py@128]: Deactivating ParallelEventReceivingStrategy
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [util.py@362]: Starting to stop thread pool by wating for workers
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-103, started daemon 139930546063104)>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-104, stopped daemon 139930537670400)>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-105, stopped daemon 139930529277696)>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-106, stopped daemon 139930520884992)>
17-12-14 12:40:42  [DEBUG]   [util.py@369]: Joining worker <Thread(Thread-107, stopped daemon 139930512492288)>
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [util.py@376]: Stopped thread pool
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [util.py@362]: Starting to stop thread pool by wating for workers
17-12-14 12:40:42   [INFO]   [util.py@376]: Stopped thread pool

Associated revisions

Revision 82a0f4ec
Added by J. Wienke over 9 years ago

Avoid error logging when terminating bus server

Do not log the intended socket error as an error message when
terminating the bus server instances.

fixes #2134


#1 Updated by J. Moringen over 9 years ago

  • Target version changed from rsb-0.11 to rsb-0.12

#2 Updated by J. Wienke over 9 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Resolved
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

Also available in: Atom PDF