Feature #694

Can uniform::generate() be const?

Added by Anonymous over 12 years ago. Updated over 12 years ago.

Status:RejectedStart date:11/01/2011
Priority:NormalDue date:
Assignee:M. Rolf% Done:


Target version:-


Can uniform::generate() be const?


#1 Updated by M. Rolf over 12 years ago

hm... semantically: not really, at least not as part of the Generator interface.
Think of a Generator that creates successive integers 1,2,3...
This one has a semantic state, which I explicitely intended to be possible when I wrote the interface. Actually I thought about kicking the const attributes is Mapping(Definition) as well, in order to allow Input/Output behaviors with state (e.g. RNNs).

Is there a particular use case where it matters?

#2 Updated by Anonymous over 12 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Rejected

If you think of the random number generation as generating real random numbers, not the - actual - pseudo random numbers, the generate method could indeed be const. But this is a special and rare case. In general the generate() method changes the state of the generator, so it shouldn`t be const.

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