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J. Moringen, 02/16/2012 04:59 PM
scope renaming

Meetings 2012-02-16

Configuration Service


  • Configuration
    • Framework level
      • Converter [implemented]
      • Transports (+ quality of service) [implemented]
      • Error handling [implemented]
      • Scope names [not implemented]
        • Are these renaming rules, which are applied at participant creation time?
        • Do they affect scopes or participants?
    • Domain level
      • Component parameters
        • Changable at runtime?
  • Parameter Service?


  • Remapping of scope names
    • Remapping on the program-level is sufficient (i.e. participant level is not needed)
    • Recursive renaming has be possible
  • must be suitable for component layer (e.g. CCA)